Active Drama Projects

(found 30 projects)

Launched Yesterday

You Owe Me James | Short Film

All debts will eventually be paid, whether you want to or not.


Backers: 4
Funding: $320 of $1,000 (32% funded)
Average daily pledges: $107
Campaign Dates: August 29th -> September 9th (2024)
Time left: 9 days, 3 hours, 14 minutes

Launched Sunday

Romeo Still Alive

Voices of Change: An Asian American Screenwriter's Journey, Illuminating Conflicts and Stories of Redemption


Backers: 3
Funding: $70 of $7,000 (1% funded)
Average daily pledges: $14
Campaign Dates: August 27th -> October 11th (2024)
Time left: 40 days, 23 hours, 40 minutes

Echo - short film

Finding Hope in the Echoes of the Past


Backers: 1
Funding: £165 of £2,000 (8% funded)
Average daily pledges: £33
Campaign Dates: August 27th -> October 26th (2024)
Time left: 55 days, 13 hours, 36 minutes

Launched before Sunday

LEA! A Heartfull short film of curage and love!

Follow Lea which embarks on an unexpected and Life threatening drama she desperately have to tame for the sake of everybody.


Backers: 2
Funding: €220 of €7,000 (3% funded)
Average daily pledges: €37
Campaign Dates: August 26th -> September 25th (2024)
Time left: 24 days, 20 hours, 12 minutes

Edge Of Infinity art expenses.

In making this film, I lost my job, I'm in need of 6 paintings for this film, I currently have 1.


Backers: 1
Funding: $5 of $625 (0% funded)
Average daily pledges: $1
Campaign Dates: August 24th -> September 23rd (2024)
Time left: 22 days, 16 hours, 14 minutes

Launched more than a week ago

Presumption of Guilt (Film)

The true story of a woman falsely convicted of a brutal murder. A false confession and a corrupt system took 16 years of her life.


Backers: 37
Funding: $413 of $120,000 (0% funded)
Average daily pledges: $41
Campaign Dates: August 22nd -> September 21st (2024)
Time left: 20 days, 13 hours, 41 minutes

The Nomophobe | Short Film

A teenage girl with nomophobia endeavours to break free from her smartphone addiction to restore the close connection with her mother.


Backers: 13
Funding: £3,060 of £8,000 (38% funded)
Average daily pledges: £306
Campaign Dates: August 22nd -> September 21st (2024)
Time left: 20 days, 8 hours, 27 minutes

Blindly in Love

We have a great story, we have a great cast, with your help we can give this film and cast the treatment they deserve!


Backers: 6
Funding: $680 of $21,250 (3% funded)
Average daily pledges: $62
Campaign Dates: August 21st -> October 20th (2024)
Time left: 50 days, 1 hours, 56 minutes

Post-production the film THE GREEN LAMP

Over 100 people have been making this film since 2011 without funding. The film is 95% complete. You can help finish it.


Backers: 3
Funding: €190 of €10,000 (1% funded)
Average daily pledges: €16
Campaign Dates: August 20th -> September 19th (2024)
Time left: 18 days, 23 hours, 23 minutes

Esther And The Prince Project

Romance, high adventure and intrigue between two unlikely lovers, Esther And The Prince


Backers: 0
Funding: $0 of $8,000 (0% funded)
Average daily pledges: $0
Campaign Dates: August 20th -> October 19th (2024)
Time left: 48 days, 16 hours, 59 minutes

Finding Ally (Short Film)

Looking to finance my short film "FINDING ALLY" which is a romantic crime-drama.


Backers: 8
Funding: $1,330 of $29,000 (4% funded)
Average daily pledges: $102
Campaign Dates: August 19th -> September 18th (2024)
Time left: 17 days, 20 hours, 19 minutes

'Delivery!' Short film

A middle-aged man stuck in an abusive relationship with his mentally decaying daughter musters up the will power to provide.


Backers: 36
Funding: $3,426 of $4,000 (85% funded)
Average daily pledges: $264
Campaign Dates: August 19th -> September 13th (2024)
Time left: 12 days, 13 hours, 23 minutes

Djamel est mort: A Short Film

A short film depicting two journeys from Algiers to Marseille, 60 years apart.


Backers: 29
Funding: €2,750 of €1,750 (157% funded)
Average daily pledges: €162
Campaign Dates: August 15th -> September 13th (2024)
Time left: 12 days, 22 hours, 8 minutes

Au Clair de la Lune

A young Haitian American doctor travels back home for his mother's birthday and realizes that some things change and some things don't.


Backers: 3
Funding: $285 of $12,000 (2% funded)
Average daily pledges: $15
Campaign Dates: August 13th -> September 12th (2024)
Time left: 11 days, 17 hours, 25 minutes

Before The Memory Fades

A film camera store owner who silently witnesses a young photographer’s life unfolds through the photos he develops.


Backers: 15
Funding: £501 of £2,000 (25% funded)
Average daily pledges: £25
Campaign Dates: August 12th -> September 11th (2024)
Time left: 10 days, 17 hours, 46 minutes

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(total 30 results)