Space Happy #6: Blondes and Blasters

A project in Los Angeles, CA by Sexy Fantastic Comics

Status: Active

Jumper Jones, Choca Bomb and robot Bob 47 find Adventure as Intergalactic Couriers in this Comic Series for Mature Adults
Backers: 202
Average Daily Pledges: $260
Average Pledge Per Backer: $33

Funding: $6,752 of $2,000
Dates: May 22nd -> Jun 21st (30 days)
Project By: Sexy Fantastic Comics
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Latest News

6 Days to Go and Two Other Great Comics

June 14th - via:
Not gonna lie, my friends. I'm sweatin' on this one. We're still about $2K behind where we usually are. Let's make a strong finish so that we at least reach $9K (we're presently at about $6K, which is about breaking even with my costs for three... (Read More)

Special Comic Panel Sneak Peek

June 13th - via:
Here's a sneak peek at one of the panels I colored for Space Happy 6 showing Choca's ship, The Funkadelic, soaring over the Love Land amusement park installation. Only one week left to pledge to Space Happy 6, and to get your amazing Add-On rewards.... (Read More)

We Need a Boost for Our Best Issue Yet

June 11th - via:
Honest to God, folks, Space Happy 6 will be the best issue we've ever done. But our campaign is way behind the slowest campaign we've every previously done. Could be the time of year (there are so many factors). Only nine days left. Could we ask you... (Read More)

Iconic Erotic Cover Now Available!

June 7th - via:
The new Erotic Version of the Iconic cover is now available (only as an ADD-ON Reward)!  Get yours now!  (Read More)

Stretch Goal: New NSFW Cover

May 29th - via:
Some people have asked me about an erotic variant cover, and here it is! When we reach $5K, this new erotic version of the Iconic Cover will become available as an ADD-ON reward! So, tell your friends about the campaign and share on social media. See... (Read More)

Stretch Goal News and Two Other Comic Adventures

May 25th - via:
We're doing well, almost at $4K. I'll be announcing an exciting Stretch Goal Add-On soon, so stay tuned for that. In the meanwhile, check out the latest releases from Arman Nasim at Submarine Treehouse and Stephen Kok ... Martian Smoke #3: Spirit of... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!