Dutch Resistance: Orange Shall Overcome!

A project in Hazerswoude-Rijndijke, Netherlands by Marcel Köhler

Funding Successful

A co-operative scenario based pick-up-and-deliver game for 1-5 players about resistance during the Second World War in the Netherlands.
Backers: 691
Average Pledge Per Backer: €36

Funded: €25,128 of €8,800
Dates: Oct 19th -> Nov 18th (31 days)
Project By: Marcel Köhler
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Last Updated: November 18 @ 12:04 -0500 GMT


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Latest News

Less than 24 hours left, another Stretch Goal unlocked, passed €22.500 and last vote of the campaign 😊!

November 17th - via: kickstarter.com
Welcome to all the new members of our resistance that joined yesterday or today. Our group grew quite a bit again since the last update, and I am very grateful for that. And also for all those that have supported this campaign for a longer time. The... (Read More)

48 hours left, passed 20.000 Euro and 2 more Stretch Goals reached :)!

November 16th - via: kickstarter.com
Welcome to all that joined the cause in the last few days. The end of the campaign is slowly in sight, but I will not stop till you have the game in your hands. We have recently passed the moment where we have 48 hours left in the campaign. It has... (Read More)

Proud of all of us, voting results and characters descriptions

November 13th - via: kickstarter.com
We are almost at 500 Backers with the campaign, which is so fantastic! I never thought we would get this many people joining the cause for this game about the Dutch resistance during the Second World War, which all started with the stories of my... (Read More)

SD HistCon, voting for art and map improvements

November 11th - via: kickstarter.com
Time flies when you are having fun!  The campaign has only 1 week left, which is a good moment to talk about the online convention this weekend, the art piece stretch goal, and the map adjustments that are being worked on. But also to look at the... (Read More)

Better card quality and 200% funding, Spellenspektakel, fifth scenario playthrough and Social Stretch Goals update

November 10th - via: kickstarter.com
Another success for the resistance: we added better quality cards as a Stretch Goal to the game. This will help us all make sure we can keep our cards close to our chests, not to reveal any information to those that try to arrest us. We also passed... (Read More)

Voting results, new Stretch Goals and Spellenspektakel this weekend

November 5th - via: kickstarter.com
We did it! Another Stretch Goal is added to the game. This time the Stretch goal was to improve the solo play experience, as well as an option to use an orange pawn as the start player marker instead of the token. Using one of the pawns is possible... (Read More)

400+ backers, €15.000+ funding, Social Stretch goals, game board and live stream!

November 4th - via: kickstarter.com
Our resistance group is still growing. To all those that joined the campaign since the last update, as well as everybody that has been following the campaign longer: Thank you! We passed 400 backers and €15.000, as well as unlocked another Stretch... (Read More)

New Stretch Goal and Control Cards

October 29th - via: kickstarter.com
Welcome to all our new members of the resistance. I am very grateful for all your support of the project. It has been just a few days since the last update and we already reached the fourth Stretch Goal, which is fantastic. This is a good time to... (Read More)

300 backers, One Stop Co-op Shop Livestream and new Stretch Goal!

October 25th - via: kickstarter.com
We now have 300 backers, which is amazing! Welcome to all that have joined our resistance group that just keeps growing. I am very grateful for all your support. We are doing very well on the social Stretch Goals and we just reached the third Stretch... (Read More)

Stretch goal 2 is unlocked!

October 23rd - via: kickstarter.com
Welcome to all that are now part of our resistance group that keeps growing. I am very grateful for your support. Because wow, we are going quickly with the Stretch Goals. We can now add the cardboard Player Boards with upgraded wooden cylinders as... (Read More)

The first Stretch Goal is achieved!

October 23rd - via: kickstarter.com
Welcome to all that joined the cause since the last update, where we funded 😊. I am very grateful for your support. And just like that, we have our first Stretch Goal added, 5 extra Control Cards in the game. So time to tell you all about the next... (Read More)

Funded :)!!!!

October 22nd - via: kickstarter.com
We reached the funding goal! I am so incredibly happy we got funded so quickly :)!  Thank you all very much! Now that we reached the funding goal, we can produce the game and it is time to start adding stretch goals, to make this game even more fun... (Read More)

Amazing first 2 days of the campaign!

October 21st - via: kickstarter.com
Welcome to all that joined the cause since the last update. We are about 2 days in. We now have more than 200 backers, and are at 84% funding, slowly going towards 100%, which is so awesome! Let’s try to keep this going strong, so we can start... (Read More)

Welcome to the resistance!

October 19th - via: kickstarter.com
I am very happy and proud to see so many managed to join our resistance, and I look forward to increasing our numbers.  Thank you very much! We are already 47 percent funded, and on our way to having a great campaign. We have some  intriguing... (Read More)

Zenobia Award 2021 Finalists Announced

August 20th - via: boardgamegeek.com
In November 2020, I was excited to announce the official launch of the Zenobia Award, a historical board game design contest for underrepresented game designers covering underrepresented historical topics. (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!