Brackish #1 - Forbidden Love in the Florida Swamps

A project in Orlando, FL by Metal Ninja Studios

Funding Successful

From the heart of the Florida Everglades emerges a romantic tragedy blending mystery, drama, and violence.
Backers: 156
Average Pledge Per Backer: $24

Funded: $3,765 of $3,500
Dates: May 9th -> May 30th (21 days)
Project By: Metal Ninja Studios
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Last Updated: May 30 @ 09:12 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

Brackish is Funded! Thank You All!

May 27th - via:
Hello, Brackish Backers! We are beyond excited to announce that Brackish is officially funded! You all helped us get there, and we can't thank you enough for your incredible support. This campaign has been a fantastic journey, and it's all thanks to... (Read More)

New Special Add-On: Tina Valentino’s Salvation Variant is Now Available as Virgin Foil!

May 24th - via:
Happy Friday, Backers! Who's ready for a long weekend? We have some epic news to share with you! We've just released a unique add-on for Tina Valentino’s Salvation variant. This is not just any variant; it's a virgin foil campaign exclusive! This... (Read More)

Exciting Announcement: New Book from Metal Ninja Studios Publishing!

May 23rd - via:
Hello, Brackish Backers! We are thrilled to announce that we have broken through our 110-backer goal, and it’s time to reveal the next book from Metal Ninja Studios Publishing: A Pound of Flesh! We’ll drop the official press release tomorrow... (Read More)

Exciting Updates: Sketch Giveaway Reminder and New Collectible Tackle Box!

May 23rd - via:
Hello, Backers! We wanted to remind everyone about our fantastic giveaway: a sketch from the amazing artist Francesca Fantini! All physical backers pledging at least $20 are automatically entered to win this exclusive piece of art. In addition, our... (Read More)

Update: Backer Milestone Announced

May 21st - via:
Hello, Backers! We’re thrilled to announce that we’re about to break 100 backers on our Brackish campaign! We’re currently at 97, and we have some cool news to drop when we hit that 100 mark. Your support has been incredible, and we can’t... (Read More)

Exciting Giveaway Announcement: Win a Sketch by Francesca Fantini!

May 20th - via:
Hello, Backers! We have some thrilling news to share with you today. We're announcing a special giveaway as a token of our appreciation for your fantastic support. Francesca Fantini has drawn an incredible sketch of Remy and Jody, the central... (Read More)

Unearthing Epic Collectibles in the Swamp!

May 19th - via:
Hello, Backers! We hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend! Here at Metal Ninja Studios, we've been busy unearthing some truly epic collectibles in the swamp, and we have exciting news to share with you. While strolling through the Florida... (Read More)

Exciting New Digital Comic Bundles Now Available!

May 12th - via:
Greetings from the swampland! We're thrilled to announce the release of brand-new digital comic bundles for Brackish! Whether you're a fan of Jonathan Hedrick's intense storytelling or curious about what Metal Ninja Studios has been up to, we've got... (Read More)

Kickstarter Update: We're One-Third of the Way There!

May 11th - via:
Hello and Happy Weekend, Bakers!Wow, what an incredible journey it has been so far! Thanks to all your support, we've already reached one-third of our funding goal after just three days. Your belief in Brackish and our team at Metal Ninja Studios is... (Read More)

Day 1 Update: We Hit $1000 in Pledges!

May 9th - via:
Hello, Backers! What an incredible start to the Brackish Kickstarter! Your decision to join us in this swamp has led to over $1000 in pledges on day one! Everyone at Metal Ninja Studios has been buzzing with excitement since the beginning of this... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!