The Treasure Ship of Zheng He 鄭和宝船(Returns!)

A project in Tokyo, Japan by 刈谷圭司 KARIYA Keiji

Status: Active

The latest work by Hisashi Hayashi designer of “Yokohama”. Illustrated by Yoshikazu Yasuhiko! 『横濱紳商伝』の林尚志の最新作! パッケージは『ガンダム』の巨匠・安彦良和!
Backers: 508
Average Daily Pledges: ¥335,976
Average Pledge Per Backer: ¥18518

Funding: ¥9,407,340 of ¥1,000,000
Dates: Jan 20th -> Feb 20th (32 days)
Project By: 刈谷圭司 KARIYA Keiji
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Latest News

About the Solo Game ソロプレイについて

February 12th - via:
Dear Backers Thank you for your ongoing support of our campaign to create the EN/JP edition of "The Treasure ship of Zheng He”. In this update we wanted to share details about the solo game play.  It's no secret, that in in recent years, solo game... (Read More)

The Deluxe Wooden Tokens オリジナル木ゴマについて

February 3rd - via:
Dear Backers Thank you once again for your support of “The Treasure Ship of Zheng He”.  We've now reached over 7 million yen due to your wonderful support, and the next stretch goal has been revealed!   The next stretch goal will be to 'add... (Read More)

The 5 Great Nations 5つの大国タイルについて

January 27th - via:
Dear Backers, Thank you so much for your continued support of “The Treasure Ship of Zheng He”. We're announcing the new stretch goal of 5 new tiles!We wanted to share some more details about these five Great Nation tiles. In the game there are... (Read More)

What's in this component filled box? 箱の中に入っている大量の内容物!

January 23rd - via:
Dear Backers We would like to express our sincere gratitude for the ongoing support of “The Treasure Ship of Zheng He” campaign.  In this update, I would like to share some details about the weight and size of the components of “The Treasure... (Read More)

New cards unlocked! 新しいカードが解放されました!

January 21st - via:
Dear Backers Thank you very much for your support of the “The Treasure Ship of Zheng He” project!Due to your wonderful support you have helped us reach the new goals and exceed 3 million yen, so we will be adding new cards to the game. However,... (Read More)

Thank you! 100% reached! ありがとうございます!100%達成しました!

January 20th - via:
Dear Backers, Thank you so much for joining us in “The Treasure Ship of Zheng He” project! Thanks to your support, we have reached our first goals!We sincerely appreciate your support and spreading the word about our project! This campaign has... (Read More)

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