StageTop 2: 3D Printed Gaming Tables

A project in Seattle, WA by Gut Shot Games

Status: Active

Give your tabletop, card or role-playing games the stage they deserve with our 2nd generation 3D printed gaming tables.
Backers: 2765
Average Daily Pledges: $11,023
Average Pledge Per Backer: $84

Funding: $231,480 of $14,400
Dates: Jan 21st -> Feb 15th (25 days)
Project By: Gut Shot Games
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Latest News

The final week!

February 10th - via:
As we enter the final week of the StageTop 2 Kickstarter campaign, we want to extend a sincere thank you! Your support has been nothing short of extraordinary, helping us unlock 15 stretch goals so far. We’ve done our best to listen to your... (Read More)

Watch the Super Bow Ad for StageTop Skirmish!

February 4th - via:
Miraculously, we found some room in the marketing budget to secure a coveted Super Bow Ad for StageTop Skirmish. Eagle-eyed viewers will surely find something to cheer for in this gift straight from the Chief Marketing Officer.  In case you missed... (Read More)

A Closer Look: StageTop Express

February 3rd - via:
Another incredible week down and just two more to go for the campaign! We spent this past weekend prototyping and printing the TV Mount that you unlocked, and while I was a VTT (virtual tabletop) skeptic before, I am super excited to add it to my own... (Read More)

A Closer Look: StageTop Encore

January 28th - via:
After a tremendous 1st week and lots of great questions from the community, we wanted to do something different and give you a closer look at StageTop Encore. And while I personally dislike spoilers, if you don't make it to the end of the 16-minute... (Read More)

A Super Awesome Stretch Goal has been unlocked!

January 23rd - via:
Introducing StageTop Skirmish, a tabletop skirmish game designed by Ben Cichoski and Danny Mandel of Super Awesome Games, the creative minds behind the World of Warcraft TCG, Legendary Encounters and Vs System (Marvel, The Boys, etc). This game has... (Read More)

Stretch Goals Unlocked

January 22nd - via:
What an incredible first day! With your support, we were the #1 Most Popular Kickstarter project and well above where we thought we would be at this point in the campaign. Take that Everdell! ;)As a token of our gratitude, we're thrilled to announce... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!