Margin of the Strange

A project in Los Angeles, CA by Future Cat Games

Funding Successful

A gardening-themed mystery adventure from the developers behind OneShot
Backers: 4361
Average Pledge Per Backer: $49

Funded: $212,128 of $62,812
Dates: May 21st -> Jun 20th (30 days)
Project By: Future Cat Games
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Last Updated: June 20 @ 18:03 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

Margin of the Artwork: Winner Announcements!

June 20th - via:
Thank you everyone who participated in the Margin of the Artwork event! And what an overwhelming response it was! We have received a total of 88 image submissions and 13 mutimedia submissions (inc animation, crafts, music, and 3d models) Due to the... (Read More)

New stretch goal, new team member, new character reveal, and more!

June 16th - via:
Endless mode is FUNDED!!Thank you to everyone (and their OCs!) for helping us blow past this goal! And now to reveal the next goal: New Game Plus mode! Plus bonus dream worlds and animationsNG+ mode will allow you to speed up subsequent runs of the... (Read More)

Next stretch goal revealed, and the opening of more "Your OC in the game" tiers beginning Friday!

June 11th - via:
Hey everyone, we met our next stretch goal! That means the Time Traveler's Quest will be implemented in the game as a major side quest. Though it's optional, it's important to the story nevertheless. Phew! With that goal accomplished, Endless Mode at... (Read More)

Have Questions? We're hosting a Margin of the Strange Q&A on Thursday @ 8 PM PT! Also, see an early look at gameplay here!

June 4th - via:
Ask Us Anything!We're doing a Q&A-focused stream for any questions concerning Margin of the Strange this Thursday in the evening at 8 PM PT! You can post a comment to this post here for a chance to have your question answered by the team. We'll... (Read More)

Margin of the Artwork - Our Fan Art Contest is live from now to June 16th!

May 28th - via:
The Margin of the Artwork event begins! Submit fanworks relating to Margin of the Strange from now to June 16th at 11:59 PM PT for a chance to win both merch and a special custom sketch from game director Nightmargin! The winning submissions will... (Read More)

Funded in the first 4 hours! Stretch Goals, Livestreams, and more!

May 24th - via:
We've been overwhelmed by the success of the Kickstarter. We met our goal in 4 hours and have since rose to nearly 100k USD in 48 hours. That's huge! Unfortunately, Ling's face still has a play button taped onto it, but that's fine. For now. STRETCH... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!