
A project in Boise, ID by Exalted Funeral

Status: Active

A beautiful, grim resource for dark fantasy tabletop roleplaying games. Check out for more details!
Backers: 2191
Average Daily Pledges: $6,166
Average Pledge Per Backer: $56

Funding: $123,319 of $40,000
Dates: Jan 22nd -> Feb 21st (31 days)
Project By: Exalted Funeral
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Latest News

Free Thank You Book Upgrades!

February 6th - via:
Now that we're over 2,000 backers, we talked a lot internally about adding some additional stretch goals. Ultimately, the things for which we'd have to raise more money would also have delayed the project. Adding more content to the book means more... (Read More)

💀 Chapter Art Production Update! 💀

February 1st - via:
One of our first Stretch Goals, way back at $50k, was to unlock customized chapter images. Which is something that's a little tough to explain with words and way easier to see with your eyeballs. So get out your eyeballs and let's take a look. Here's... (Read More)

💀 FINAL stretch goal unlocked! The bestiary will live! 💀

January 28th - via:
A dream come true! We have reached the final stretch goal. Glumdark will have every bell and whistle and every page of expanded content we had hoped to cram in. I can't thank this community enough for their support and positivity. Now it's on us to... (Read More)

The Bestiary Will Live

January 25th - via:
We've done it! Now that we're past $95,000 (!!!), we're going to be able to add the bestiary to Glumdark. This is something that I've been tinkering on for the past few weeks and I'm unreasonably excited that we're going to be able to produce it.... (Read More)

Routinely Itemised: RPGs #293

January 25th - via:
Hello from Storm Eowyn. Geek Native HQ is by the coast, on a cliff face, but we’ve not been too battered by the strongest storm in the UK for years. Mr Root Is this because Éowyn is a famous Lord of the Rings character? No! That would be daft (Read More)

Free Signed Bookplate ENDS TONIGHT!

January 24th - via:
Just a quick reminder that the Free bookplate early backer reward ends at 11:59 pm EST TONIGHT, Friday January 24th! -Exalted Funeral Crew  (Read More)

200% Funded in 2 Days!

January 23rd - via:
We just doubled our initial funding goal! I’m still so blown away that I have to keep reminding myself to let my feet touch the ground when I walk.Let’s talk about the unlocks! I’ve always had a particular vision for this book, and with the... (Read More)

Dark Fantasy Supplement Glumdark Launches on Kickstarter

January 23rd - via:
Exalted Funeral has launched a Kickstarter project to bring much of the dark fantasy RPG random table content of the Glumdark website to print. The volume is system agnostic so you can utilize the tables with tyour roleplaying game of choice. Glumdark will clock in at over 140 pages and you can reserve a physical copy (with PDF) for a $36.00 pledge or grab just the PDF alone for a $24.00 pledge through February 21st with an expected delivery in February 2026. (Read More)

Halfway to the final goal on day ONE.

January 22nd - via:
Well. Just. Wow. Over 1,000 backers?!I had no idea what to expect and I’m completely blown away. The sheer amount of positivity we’re feeling today is overwhelming. Day one and we’re halfway to our FINAL stretch goal. This makes me extremely... (Read More)

Fully Funded in Under 3 Hours!

January 22nd - via:
We did it! Glumdark, this strange and huge and needlessly detailed beast, is going to exist in the real world–because of you! What a long weird road we’ve taken to get here. From a few silly D100 tables, to a bare-bones website, to a nearly... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!