Atomic Age

A project in Miami, FL by Darklight Interactive

Cancelled by Creator

A post-apocalyptic tabletop RPG system and setting developed by Darklight Interactive.
Backers: 100
Average Pledge Per Backer: $61

Funded: $6,077 of $16,000
Dates: Apr 30th -> May 30th (30 days)
Project By: Darklight Interactive
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Last Updated: May 20 @ 08:09 -0400 GMT


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Latest News


May 20th - via:
Our BackerKit landing page is back up... Sign up for updates if you haven't already! Levels of FailureOne of the biggest reasons why we've hesitated so long in launching a Kickstarter for Atomic Age is that we feared failure. We felt that not funding... (Read More)

Two Weeks

May 15th - via:
With two weeks remaining, we're at approximately 1/3rd of our funding goal. We have to admit that this hasn't gone exactly as planned; we should have expected as much given all the problems we had before we even launched, but we tried to remain... (Read More)

Pased $5K!

May 13th - via:
Sorry for the delayed update; weekend was a bit... unwieldly. Anyway, this morning we passed the $5K mark, which actually makes this our most successful Kickstarter to date. We'd like to thank everyone from the bottom of our hearts, but there is... (Read More)

The Vlog of Many Things

May 8th - via:
     Yesterday night we were featured on "The Vlog of Many Things", hosted by Don and Tom, where we talked about Atomic Age and other things!  (Read More)

Atomic Age is Darklight Interactive's post-apocalyptic "Powers That Be" TTRPG

May 7th - via:
In Atomic Age, the world couldn’t save itself, and now after whatever it was that destroyed us… we now have the Powers That Be. The RPG uses a d20 system, is focused on the continental United States, and cites the 13th Age as an influence. The funding goal has been set at $16,000, and there are three weeks left on the Kickstarter clock. (Read More)

The Concept Behind Atomic Age

May 6th - via:
For those that have not gone through the motions of downloading the Atomic Age Preview PDF (which is also available on DriveThruRPG), here is the first page from that PDF that explains why Atomic Age came to be:      The origin of Atomic Age is... (Read More)

The Vlog of Many Things

May 6th - via:
Tomorrow (Tuesday, May 7th) at 8pm Eastern Time we will be appearing on The Vlog of Many Things stream alongside the hosts - Don Semora (of Wizard Tower Games) and Tom Verreault (of Tabletop Taproom, and I really hope I spelled that right...) - to... (Read More)

The First Eight Hours

April 30th - via:
Given all the problems we inexplicably experienced as we moved towards launching this product, we were happy beyond belief to finally be able to press the big green button and get this train movin'! In the first eight hours we are 1/8th funded, which... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!