The A24 New Wave - A New Book from Aaron West & Jill Blake

A project in Atlanta, GA by Aaron West

Status: Active

A new book by Aaron West and edited by Jill Blake about the film company that has challenged the status quo and achieved success.
Backers: 72
Average Daily Pledges: $140
Average Pledge Per Backer: $50

Funding: $3,634 of $3,000
Dates: Jan 13th -> Feb 27th (46 days)
Project By: Aaron West
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Latest News

Backer Update #9: Third Eye and Sacramento Sketches, New Rewards Tier, Close to Next Stretch Goal

February 6th - via:
Hello everyone, As of right now, we are inching towards the first stretch goal. While we are thrilled by the success of this campaign and that this project will happen, the true cost is a great deal more than our fundraising goal. We are exactly... (Read More)

Backer Update #8: Goal Achieved, First Backer Goal Reached, Upcoming Stretch Goals

January 31st - via:
Fundraising Goal ReachedI am pleased to share with you wonderful people that we have met our fundraising goal! With this goal unlocked, all backers will get access to an upcoming lecture from Dr. Francesca Caraceni. As you can see in this brief... (Read More)

Backer Update #7: The May Queen

January 28th - via:
We did not plan to send an update today after Jill’s lovely post yesterday. This morning we saw Caitlin’s final May Queen art. This is low res. We wish we could share the high res version. It is more beautiful than we could have imagined! ... (Read More)

Backer Update #6: A Little Update from Jill Blake

January 27th - via:
Hi everyone! This is Jill Blake, reporting for duty! As we enter the third week of our campaign, I thought it would be a good idea to introduce myself to all of you and discuss my role in this project.  When Aaron brought the idea of this book to... (Read More)

Backer Update #5: Oscar Nominations, Peter Biskind, Podcast with Jill Blake

January 24th - via:
Hello, everyone. We are in week two and are 14% from meeting our goal. Again, we're not worried. We spent a lot of the last couple weeks programming our website with what we called "SirkenHeimer," which was a journey through films of Douglas Sirk,... (Read More)

Backer Update #4: The May Queen, More About Swag and Shirts

January 20th - via:
Over the weekend we added $0 to our pledges, and that was expected. After an initial boom, it tends to flatten and for the most part the pledges should gradually trickle in with a rush at the end. At least that is how most campaigns go. That said, we... (Read More)

Backer Update #3: RIP David Lynch, Kickstarter Boost, Upcoming Art

January 16th - via:
This is a tragic day for cinema. We have lost David Lynch at the age of 78. While Lynch has not released a film through A24, as I've researched people in the industry and their influences, Lynch has been a constant. He is among the most influential... (Read More)

Cover Art, Podcast, and Nearly Halfway to Our Goal!

January 14th - via:
We have final cover art! Caitlin had expected to provide the final artwork on Monday, so it was refreshing to wake up to receive it early. She had been making great progress, so I'm not surprised.  Voila! This does not include the title, byline, and... (Read More)

The A24 New Wave: Backer Update #1

January 13th - via:
Hello all, this was earlier than I had intended to send an update. First off, our hearts go out to the people in Los Angeles, whether they are directly affected by the fires or just in the vicinity. Everyone out there is affected to some degree. I... (Read More)

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