Rokid AR Lite, Your First AR Glasses for Spatial Computing

A project in Redwood City, CA by Rokid Team

Status: Active

AR Lite=Max 2+Station 2 | System-level 3DoF | Simultaneous 3-App | Gaming | Streaming | Productivity|Numerous Apps|Portable 300" Screen
Backers: 1691
Average Daily Pledges: HK$321,436
Average Pledge Per Backer: HK$4182

Funding: HK$7,071,592 of HK$156,230
Dates: May 27th -> Jul 11th (45 days)
Project By: Rokid Team
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Latest News

Join Our Exclusive Rokid AR Lite Live Event on June 18th/19th 🎉

June 17th - via:
Dear Backers,Thank you all for your continued support and sharing our Rokid AR Lite Kickstarter campaign! We couldn’t have achieved significant milestones without you, and we are beyond grateful for your trust and enthusiasm.❤️To show our... (Read More)

Rokid Sheds More Light on the AR Lite's Features

June 12th - via:
A while back, we got word that Rokid was planning to unveil its Kickstarter-funded AR Lite glasses, which come equipped with augmented reality (AR) capabilities, allowing for a versatile range of use cases including entertainment and productivity, without sacrificing portability and comfort. (Read More)

Tell us what you want to see on June 17 live demo Q&A!

June 6th - via:
You got questions? We've got answers. And now, we're giving you the power to choose what we cover. So tell us what you want to see in our live demo and Q&A session. You are welcome to watch the live broadcast on the 17th. You can click the link... (Read More)

Join Rokid Exclusive Offline & Online Events, Plus Get Special Discounts!

June 5th - via:
🚀 Epic news, friends! The Rokid AR Lite Kickstarter campaign blew past records, raising a whopping $800,000 in just 9 days! 🎉 You guys are incredible!To thank you for your incredible support, we're hosting offline Rokid AR Lite experience... (Read More)

🚀 SUPER Early Bird Countdown & New Accessories Add-Ons Available NOW!

June 3rd - via:
🚀 BIG BREAKTHROUGH! The Rokid AR Lite Kickstarter campaign is breaking all barriers, raking in an astonishing $800,000 in just a week! Super Early Bird pricing is ending SOON, so act fast and spread the word to your friends to join the revolution!... (Read More)

Rokid Soars to $500K in 4 Days: Backers Fueling Success!

May 31st - via:
We're killing it with 1,000 members already on board, and our combined efforts helped Rokid AR Lite dominate on Kickstarter — hitting 100K+ in 10 minutes, 300K in 10 hours, and over 500K in just 4 days! But time is ticking! Our limited-time super... (Read More)

Rokid APP Premiere: Be Among the Elite and Enjoy Your Unique Perks!

May 28th - via:
You've made it! Congratulations on being part of the elite 700+ who have joined us on this epic launch day! We're thrilled to offer you a once-in-a-lifetime deal exclusively in our Rokid App! Get ready to unlock unbeatable perks and rewards by... (Read More)

Rokid AR Lite focuses on lightweight design and personalized fit as it aims to increase everyday use

May 28th - via:
Rokid’s latest offering, the AR Lite, stands out in the AR market for its effort on prioritizing comfort and adaptability as it seeks to attract more people to embrace AR headsets. Priced at USD 749 officially, early backers can secure the device on Kickstarter for just USD 499, making it a compelling option. (Read More)

Rokid AR Lite Smashes Crowdfunding Goal on Kickstarter

May 28th - via:
Rokid Inc., a pioneer in augmented reality (AR) technology, celebrates the resounding success of its Kickstarter campaign for Rokid AR Lite. The campaign, launched just 1 days ago, has surpassed its funding goal by 1692% and continues to garner support from tech enthusiasts worldwide. (Read More)

First 10 minutes after its launch, achieving the remarkable milestone of $100K+!

May 27th - via:
With incredible support from our backers, Rokid AR Lite surpassed the 20K goal in just 10 minutes after its launch, achieving the remarkable milestone of $100K+! 🚀 🔥 Super Early Bird Deal Alert! For a limited time, until June 2nd, Rokid AR Lite... (Read More)

Rokid AR Lite is Now Available for Purchase!

May 27th - via:
Rokid AR Lite Super Early Bird Price: Just $479 ! This exclusive offer is available only from May 27 to June 2, giving you a fantastic 36% discount. After June 2, the Early Bird price will be $499.  đź’™Limited First-day AR Lite Order Benefits: The... (Read More)

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