Atreydean Justice #1 & #2 - THE FALL

A project in Edinburg, TX by Rafael Madrigal

Funding Successful

A 32 page comic book about faith, family and justice! But when faith is tested, sometimes we "FALL". Heartfelt and Powerfully written!
Backers: 143
Average Pledge Per Backer: $28

Funded: $3,981 of $2,250
Dates: Apr 23rd -> May 23rd (30 days)
Project By: Rafael Madrigal
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Last Updated: May 23 @ 21:06 -0400 GMT


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Latest News


May 23rd - via:
Thank you to all our backers, family and friends! You all Rock!!  Now, we rest a few days and then comes the fun part! Finishing this amazing book which is beautifully illustrated by Joseph DeSantos and lettered by Van Claridge!!  Then we order all... (Read More)

We are doing Amazing!!

May 10th - via:
Hello family and friends! First Thank You!! THANK YOU! We got funded in 3 days thanks to you all! We just hit the $3500 mark which puts us at the first rewards tier!! So everyone is getting "The Fall" stickers, which look cool.  Lets shoot for the... (Read More)

Absolutely amazing start!!!

April 28th - via:
Hello to all, Thank you all again, for helping me with my dream of creating issue #2 of Atreydean Justise and the Sword of Justice Knights, "The Fall"! Thank you to everyone at the Hidalgo County Sheriff's Office, all our backers and friends. Big... (Read More)

We did it!! We met our goal and got funded!!

April 26th - via:
To my family and friends!!! We are now funded for issue #2! YAY!! Thanks to you all! I wanna thank all my friends at the Hidalgo County Sheriff 's Office for your amazing support! We are gonna keep working hard to get more support from everyone we... (Read More)

Atreydean Justice #2 cover!!!!

April 24th - via:
Here is a sneak peek at the amazing cover page for issue 2, illustrated by Joseph Desantos!!! For Tonight only backers will get to see it!!! So please tell all your friends to log on to the Kickstarter app and get themselves an powerfully written... (Read More)

Wow Incredible Start!!!

April 24th - via:
Hello family and friends,  We are off to an amazing start, 24 hours into the campaign and were already half way! Those who haven't pledged yet come on!! I know it's hard but please support this 38 year old dream!! Issue 2 is action, drama and a lot... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!