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Chroma Squad sounds like the greatest sentai show no one's ever seen

Owen S. Good is a longtime veteran of video games writing, well known for his coverage of sports and racing games.

Chroma Squad, the third-wall breaking tactical RPG sendup of sentai TV shows like Power Rangers, launches on Thursday, and to get ready for it developer Behold Studios put together this karaokeriffic trailer showcasing the game's pitch-perfect original theme song.

The vocalist is Koyama Shuu of the Japanese band Scoobie Do. When you want a job done right, you go to the right people for the job. The video (and the song) are a celebration of every goofy, exuberant, good-times that thing sentai fans have come to love.

Chroma Squad puts players in the role of the manager of a Power Rangers knock-off show and has them coordinating the fights for production in a turn-based manner.

If you're wondering how all of this flies with Saban, owner of the Power Rangers franchise, the answer is that both sides worked that out last month. "We grew up watching Sentai series like Power Rangers, Flashman and Changeman and those TV shows hold big influence to the game," Behold wrote in a note to Kickstarter backers.

"So, we got ourselves a subtitle paying that homage: Chroma Squad: Tactical RPG inspired by Saban's Power Rangers," they explained. "But the great news is that the content in the game will stay as we intended it to be since the beginning of the project."

Chroma Squad will launch on Linux, Mac and Windows PC — with the power of love.

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