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Proposed food truck in final hours of Kickstarter campaign

By Dan Miner
 –  Reporter, Buffalo Business First

Das Wafel is so close.

The proposed food truck/kitchen has raised a tad over $21,000 of its $25,000 Kickstarter goal. It must raise the rest by 8:06 p.m. tonight. Per Kickstarter rules, the project is only funded if it meets its goal.

“I’m a little nervous,” said Christian Walters, who’s running the campaign. “We’re right on it.”

The project is the brain child of Walters, a 47-year-old Hamburg resident who cures his own bacon and pork loins. The funds would build a new kitchen for the operation and allow renovation of a truck he owns.

Das Wafel will serve “sweet dessert wafels, savory wafels based on reimagined classic sandwiches and dishes, veggie wafels and classic brunch fare daily.” according to its Kickstarter page.

Walters said he’s put some of his own money into the campaign, but at least $15,000 comes from other donors. The truck has already garnered wide interest from events and businesses, including a Springville auction, an Elmwood Village retail store and merchants in Larkinville.

Visit the Kickstarter page here.