Scenery Elements For Dioramas and Bases 1.0

A project in Dallas, TX by Zabavka Workshop

Funding Successful

Scenery Elements 1.0
Backers: 712
Average Pledge Per Backer: $34

Funded: $23,959 of $3,000
Dates: Feb 15th -> Mar 8th (21 days)
Project By: Zabavka Workshop
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Last Updated: March 8 @ 09:03 -0500 GMT


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Latest News

666 Social SG & 19th SG unlocked!!!

March 8th - via:
Hi there We opened a social goal!!! Also a set of Frogs!!! That's + 3 new sets!! Congratulations!!! Just a little bit left before the end of the kickstarter.... Palm tree Constructor A few renders for you in the feed of the set (Constructor of palm... (Read More)

17th-18th SG unlocked!

March 7th - via:
Wow this is incredible We have opened 2 more new sets!!! Since many people liked all kinds of living beings so much. We decided to make 2 more new sets!! Frogs and Toucans, We hope to open before the end of the kickstarter!!! Banana tree constructor... (Read More)

Unchained Games

March 6th - via:
To visit the project on Kickstarter, simply click on the image. Unchained Games has launched a truly remarkable project on Kickstarter - The Mountain City of Gundbar. With pledge levels ranging from 5 EUR - 100 EUR, this project has everything a 3D... (Read More)

555 Social SG!! Unlocked

March 6th - via:
Hi And so we opened 1 more social goal!!! Congratulations.. The set is ready!!! We also decided to make 1 more social SG !!! Since we have the number 666, we made it more thematic!!! We will add 2 "Rise of the dead..." sets at once Let's open... (Read More)

15th-16th SG unlocked!

March 6th - via:
It's incredible!! We have opened 2 more sets!! You took us a little by surprise)) However, we are only happy about it! We love that you love our kits!! We also decided to add some new sets for the next SG.  Turtles & snakes All kits are in the... (Read More)

14th SG unlocked! Destroyed Bricks

March 2nd - via:
Hi all Congratulations!! 14th goal open!! Soon we will add new targets, some more plants... What do you think?  (Read More)

13th SG unlocked! Fuel Container

February 28th - via:
More good news today!! We opened another goal!! We are actively modeling and making renders, soon we will parade you with new sets!!! Forward to the next one!!!  (Read More)

Social+12th Stretch Goals unlocked!!!!

February 28th - via:
Hi We are glad to announce that we have opened the first social goal !!!! We decided to add 2 sets to the second social Stretch Goal at once.  Banana Trees (Constructor) + Banana Bushes...  (Read More)

11th Stretch Goal unlocked! Metal barrels

February 27th - via:
Hello everyone who loves to print !! We have opened another 1 new set, now we already have 36 sets in Kikstratar and 400+ Stl files, and this is not the limit !!! We also added another 1 new set ... Go for the next  Goal!!!  (Read More)

Big update !!!!

February 25th - via:
We did it again !!! Congratulations on the opening of a new set !!!! Keep it up!!! We also added a set for a social goal ... They made a new bamboo set for you. Also in the gallery we collected several bases from the set of destroyed columns !!! It... (Read More)

9th sSG unlocked! Water lily

February 24th - via:
Hi  We have opened a new set! Thanks for your support you are the best!! ! We also added another set with metal barrels!!! We hope you enjoy it!!!  (Read More)

6th stretch goal!!! Dragon skull - Unlocked

February 23rd - via:
Hi, everyone who likes to print on a 3D printer)) We opened the 6th stretch goal !!! As you requested, we have added 2 new sets of plants!!!  (Read More)

6th+7th SG unlocked!

February 22nd - via:
Hi all !!! Friends, we have already opened 2 more new sets!!! Now we already have 32 sets available!! And this is not yet a chapel. At your request, we began to actively develop various plants and soon you will see them in the updates!!! P.S. We will... (Read More)

5th Stretch Goal unlocked! Anti-tank fortifications

February 16th - via:
Hi all, And we have already unlocked the 5th Stretch Goal! We have also added 1 new SGs.  (Read More)

3th-4th SG unlocked!

February 16th - via:
Hi!!!! Congratulations, we opened 2 more new sets!! Let's pick up the pace...  (Read More)

2nd Stretch Goal! Deer Skulls

February 15th - via:
Hello We did it!!! The second stretch goal is open!!!! Let's move on!! We love you!!!  (Read More)

1st Stretch Goal! Large Ammo Crate

February 15th - via:
Hi We have unlocked the first strech goal!! Let's go for the second...  (Read More)

100% Funded!!!

February 15th - via:
Thanks a lot!!! You are the best, We did it, In 1 hour!!!! Now we hope to be able to unlock many more Stretch Goals!  (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!