Stormcrow City - The Silent District

A project in Mol, Belgium by Davy Penasse

Funding Successful

A dark fantasy 3D-printable scenery set and modular gaming board for tabletop wargames and roleplaying games (STL files)
Backers: 956
Average Pledge Per Backer: €60

Funded: €56,885 of €1,000
Dates: May 13th -> Jun 12th (30 days)
Project By: Davy Penasse
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Last Updated: June 12 @ 06:03 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

18th stretch goal unlocked!

June 9th - via:
Dear backer, The 18th and final stretch goal for this campaign just got unlocked! The sewer will be expanded with a new set of modular tiles to create engaging subterranean layouts for your gaming board. I'm absolutely blown away by your support and... (Read More)

17th stretch goal unlocked!

June 6th - via:
The set of miniature bases just got unlocked! The final stretch goal is getting real close now... :) thank you all for the amazing support!  (Read More)

16th stretch goal unlocked!

June 4th - via:
Awesome, the extra street props stretch goal just got unlocked! Let's see if we can get the remaining two as well! :D Thank you very much for your support, everyone!  (Read More)

2 New stretch goals added!

June 4th - via:
Hi everyone, As we're getting very close to unlocking the 16th stretch goal and there's still plenty of time, I've decided to add two more stretch goals to the campaign! A set of bases to match your miniatures with the scenery and an interior... (Read More)

15th stretch goal unlocked!

May 31st - via:
The 15th stretch goal just got unlocked! The stairs extension for the bridge should provide even more vertical layout options for your gaming board. Thank you all for your support, you guys are crushing it! :)  (Read More)

2 new stretch goals added!

May 30th - via:
Hi everyone, I've just added two more stretch goals to the campaign; a stairs extension for the bridge and a collection of extra street props including a sentry box, warning bell, weapon racks, a dog kennel and a standalone brazier with LED... (Read More)

14th stretch goal unlocked!

May 29th - via:
This is just incredible, we've just unlocked the 14th stretch goal and there's still two weeks to go! I'm absolutely blown away by your support and positive feedback! I'm currently designing a couple of smaller stretch goals to add to the campaign, I... (Read More)

13th stretch goal unlocked!

May 27th - via:
We've just unlocked the 13th stretch goal in the campaign; the Dice Tower! Thank you all very much for your continued support! The Rise of Vegnal campaign If you need some awesome looking dark fantasy miniatures to populate this scenery, I can highly... (Read More)

12th stretch goal unlocked, two new added!

May 24th - via:
Dear Backers, We've hit the milestone of 30k, which means the Gate House stretch goal just got unlocked! I can't tell you how overwhelmed I am by the support the campaign has received so far, so thank you all very much! All of the stretch goals I had... (Read More)

11th stretch goal unlocked!

May 22nd - via:
The Fallen Tower stretch goal has just been unlocked! Thank you all so much for the amazing support! I never expected things to go this fast, which is actually a bit scary, I'm struggling to keep up with you guys :D I have a couple more stretch goals... (Read More)

10th stretch goal unlocked!

May 20th - via:
The ruined version of the Silent Tower just got unlocked! I'm really looking forward to sculpting that damage in :) We're really smashing those stretch goals, thank you all for your ongoing support and feedback!  (Read More)

New stretch goals added!

May 18th - via:
Hi everyone,  I've just added two new stretch goals to the campaign, a fallen version of the Crow's Nest and an all-new building; the Gate House. This highly defensible building sits straddled between two bridge spans, providing even more tactical... (Read More)

9th stretch goal unlocked!

May 18th - via:
Wow, in less than a week 9 stretch goals have been unlocked! I never expected this campaign to take off this fast so a great big thank you to all of you for your amazing support! I am truly humbled and blown away by this... I've got a couple more... (Read More)

8th stretch goal unlocked!

May 16th - via:
Great news, everyone, the ruined version of the Crow's Nest tower just got unlocked! Many thanks for your amazing support!  (Read More)

7th stretch goal unlocked!

May 15th - via:
The Covered Bridge stretch goal just got unlocked! Thank you so much for your continued  support and great feedback! I've added two new stretch goals; a broken down version of the Stagecoach and a ruined version of the Silent Tower!  (Read More)

6th stretch goal unlocked!

May 14th - via:
Great news, the Silent Tower top alternative just got unlocked! Thank you all for your support!  (Read More)

5th stretch goal unlocked!

May 14th - via:
Dear Backer, I'm happy to announce that the 5th stretch goal, the broken wall segment for the modular gaming board, got unlocked! I'm blown away by your enthusiasm and kind support, thank you very much!  (Read More)

4th stretch goal unlocked!

May 13th - via:
The Horse Team for the Stagecoach just got unlocked! Thank you all for your support, I can't believe how fast it's going and I'm really looking forward to sculpting these! I've also added a new stretch goal; a ruined version of the Crow's Nest!   (Read More)

Third stretch goal unlocked!

May 13th - via:
Wow, we're really steamrolling through those stretch goals! The third stretch goal, the Tree of Sorrows has been unlocked! This model is compatible with the Poison Well's baseplate, which will allow you to quickly swap these models.  I've added a... (Read More)

Second stretch goal unlocked!

May 13th - via:
Thanks everyone for your amazing support! You have already unlocked the second stretch goal; the broken bridge segments!   (Read More)

First stretch goal unlocked!

May 13th - via:
I'm very happy to announce that the first stretch goal has been unlocked and will be added to the line-up of models! Thank you all for such an amazing start to this campaign!  (Read More)

Great news, the project has been funded!

May 13th - via:
The project has reached its funding target in 15 minutes! Thank you all for such amazing support!  (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!