More Wicked Weirdos - 30+ NPCs - DnD 5e compatible

A project in Ohlenstedt, Germany by Secrets of Alexandria

Funding Successful

65+ new PDF pages with wicked + weird NPC characters for your next DnD 5e session or for any other Fantasy RPG or TTRPG.
Backers: 193
Average Pledge Per Backer: €9

Funded: €1,829 of €50
Dates: May 14th -> Jun 11th (29 days)
Project By: Secrets of Alexandria
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Last Updated: June 11 @ 13:03 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

As an early thanks, we have decided to include a free bonus character!

June 6th - via:
Dear backers, we just wanted to say thanks in advance and have decided to design a free bonus legendary bard character, which we will include in "More Wicked Weirdos"! Actually he is a tribute to a fantastic musician that we admire a lot and that we... (Read More)

Next stretch goal unlocked! Ugly Freak Joe is part of the team!

June 4th - via:
Dear backers, we have just unlocked the next stretch goal! Welcome to the show, here comes Ugly Freak Joe! (Wow, what a bad rhyme, sry for that :) ). Ugly Freak Joe grew up in a traveling circus, where he learned the art of clowning and enter-taining... (Read More)

More Wicked Weirdos title character "Gene" available as 3d printable miniature set next week!

May 29th - via:
Dear backers, again, for all of you that like to 3d print to play with painted miniatures, we have great news! Like for the first Wicked Weirdos project, we have prepared a 3d printable miniature set for the title character Gene! And the project is... (Read More)

Looking for suggestions! Share your ideas and wishes for a collection of mounts, familiars, companions and pets!

May 25th - via:
Dear backers, we have decided to work on a bigger sourcebook regarding mounts, familiars, companions and pets after the Wicked Weirdos trilogy. And as such source books take lots of time to develop, we have to start brainstorming about it already... (Read More)

Additional stretch goal at 150 backers!

May 21st - via:
Dear backers,  like the last time we have decided to add one more stretch goal in between, which is easier to reach :). At 150 backers we will welcome Ugly Freak Joe to our circus of Wicked Weirdos! As always, we will reveal more information as soon... (Read More)

First stretch goal unlocked - Ariella is now included!

May 19th - via:
Dear backers, that happened super quick, thanks a lot! We have unlocked the first stretch goal and Ariella is part of the Weirdo-team!  Ariella was not always the monstrous predator she is now. Long ago, she was a curious and enchanting mermaid,... (Read More)

Our weirdos are funded again, what a day 1!

May 15th - via:
Dear backers, What a day 1! "More Wicked Weirdos" is funded and "Gene" is shouting out a big thank you towards your direction! Yeah right, our title character boat captain is called "Gene", so from his appearance and name you might already guess... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!