The Culture High

A project in Spring, TX by Adam Scorgie

Funding Successful

FINALLY the control is in YOUR hands! Were using Kick-starter to help get a world wide THEATRICAL release for The Culture High
Backers: 3447
Average Pledge Per Backer: $70

Funded: $239,822 of $190,000
Dates: Jun 21st -> Aug 3rd (44 days)
Project By: Adam Scorgie
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Last Updated: August 3 @ 22:01 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

TCH Teaser update!

February 13th - via:
Hey Everyone! So the TCH teaser will officially release on April 20th 2014! Our apologies for the delay, but our distributor Phase 4 Films thinks its best for the film not to release the teaser to prematurely and has recommended that we not release... (Read More)


January 22nd - via:
Hey everyone! Just wanted to give an update on the 1min teaser, it is finished and waiting to be released. Right now we are waiting on some last minute legal clearances for the teaser before we can release it, I  sincerely apologize for the delay,... (Read More)

Teaser Releases This Month

January 5th - via:
Hey Everyone! We are aiming to have the 1 minute teaser done by January 19th and release it during the Sundance film festival. This will be the first release of any footage from the film! We are SO EXCITED! Lets make this teaser go super viral and... (Read More)

Sundance Teaser release & somt other cool stuff

December 10th - via:
Hey Everyone! So Brett and Stevo have been working tirelessly logging and editing footage for the last 4 weeks, we couldn't be more exited about the content we have from the amazing list of people we were fortunate enough to learn from. During... (Read More)

New TCH George Washington Meme

November 18th - via:
"Make the most of the Indian hemp seed, and sow it everywhere!"  (Read More)


November 15th - via:
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read. (Read More)

The David Family & Joe Rogan interview

November 12th - via:
Hey Everyone! So today was one of those days that reminds the crew and I why we became filmmakers. Very few times in life are we afforded an opportunity to share emotional and inspirational stories with the world, that could possibly effect change.... (Read More)

Release Dates, Credits & Gifts

November 4th - via:
Hey Everyone! So we are getting down to our final days of filming and what an adventure and learning experience it has been, just when you think you have a grasp on this concept, you sit down with some of the amazing people we were fortunate enough... (Read More)

London Real Podcast

September 29th - via:
Hey Everyone! Just wanted to let you know, the free itunes podcast I did with London Real is now up, I had a ton of fun and really enjoyed being the show. We talk about the production of The Culture High, our Europe experience, and a whole bunch of... (Read More)

Spain, release dates & More!

September 23rd - via:
Hey Everyone! So after a rough start in Barcelona with one of our bags not arriving with our tripods, today's shoot turned out AWESOME! We interviewed Arjan Roskam A.K.A strainer Hunter, or also known as "The King Of Cannabis". What ever you want to... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!