Kinky Canines: Hanky Code Patches for Pups

A project in New York, NY by Dagger

Funding Successful

Limited-edition embroidered patches highlighting queer history and pup community.
Backers: 57
Average Pledge Per Backer: $104

Funded: $5,901 of $800
Dates: May 1st -> May 31st (31 days)
Project By: Dagger
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Last Updated: June 1 @ 00:12 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

Full Lineup + Important Info

May 30th - via:
Thank you so much to the 22 sponsors, one bonus sponsor, and 48 total backers who helped make this patch lineup a reality! We started this project hoping to get 6–8 designs made, and we're blown away by our community's enthusiasm and support.... (Read More)

26 Colors Unlocked + Bonus Tier Added

May 14th - via:
All available colors have been claimed! Thank you so much to all 22 sponsors who made this amazing lineup possible. Everyone who pledges at $22 or more will be able to choose from all 26 of these designs.  We’ll continue unveiling new ones as we... (Read More)

New Tier for Women & POC!

May 6th - via:
Apologies for the double update, but there's been an important change to our sponsored tiers. There are 5 remaining, regular “Your Face on a Patch” slots, PLUS a new tier! The pup community is diverse, and we want our patches to be, too—so... (Read More)

Updated colors + sponsored tiers info

May 6th - via:
15 colors unlocked!Over 300% funded! Thank you all for making this project a reality. We had no idea we would get this far, and it's so exciting to work on together. As of this morning we have 15 hanky colors unlocked, with patch designs in the... (Read More)

5 new designs!

May 5th - via:
Hi, backers! We're proud to share five new designs with you — check them out below! All of these designs, plus several more in the works, will be available to backers through the end of the campaign! You'll be able to select which patches you want... (Read More)

Light blue design reveal

May 3rd - via:
We're proud to share our patch design for light blue (oral), which was sponsored by pup Synchro! Thanks, Synchro! Our next design will be unveiled tonight or tomorrow. In the meantime, we've added even more to the queue! Check our campaign story for... (Read More)

Trans Pride design reveal

May 2nd - via:
We're so excited to reveal our first "Your Face on a Patch" design, trans pride featuring Champ the Fox! Stay tuned for a reveal of the next sponsored design tomorrow.  (Read More)

Updated Colors!

May 2nd - via:
11 colors unlocked!Thanks to our sponsors, we now have a huge selection! So far our lineup includes gray (bondage), charcoal (rubber), black (S&M), lime green (pros), light blue (oral), hot pink (impact), light pink (toys), dark green (daddy),... (Read More)

Fully Funded!

May 1st - via:
Holy cow, that happened fast! Thanks to all of you, we surpassed our funding goal and have 10 designs in the works. Stay tuned for previews of the designs above, plus stretch goals and more announcements.  (Read More)

Three new designs added!

May 1st - via:
Wow! In just a few hours, we reached 87% of our funding goal and got three "your face here" pledges! Thank you to Champ the Fox, pup Synchro, and pup Tato for sponsoring patches featuring their beautiful faces and the trans pride flag, light blue... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!