Beneath The Big Top - A D&D 5e Adventure & Circus Compendium

A project in Thessaloniki, Greece by OneShotTPK

Funding Successful

Uncover the mysteries of a growing traveling Circus in this 3 part D&D 5e Adventure
Backers: 152
Average Pledge Per Backer: €5

Funded: €749 of €100
Dates: May 21st -> Jun 12th (22 days)
Project By: OneShotTPK
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Last Updated: June 12 @ 07:06 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

Introducing the Soulful Enigma: Melody the Silent Siren! 🎪

June 9th - via:
Step into the mesmerizing world of the circus and meet one of its most mysterious and enchanting members: Melody, the Silent Siren! 🎶 From the moment she first set foot as a performer under the big top, Melody has captivated hearts with her... (Read More)

We’ve Reached Our Third Stretch Goal! 🎉🎉🎉

June 7th - via:
With your unwavering support, we've shattered another milestone—our third stretch goal is now unlocked, unveiling the mesmerizing Ringmaster Bard Subclass! Prepare to command the stage with unparalleled charisma, instilling awe in your allies and... (Read More)

Print on Demand Add-On Now Available! 📕✨

June 5th - via:
Greetings, adventurers! Step into the spotlight for some exciting news from the heart of the circus!After quite a few of you reached about a printed version of Beneath the Big Top, I brushed up my knowledge on page bleed and trim sizes, switched... (Read More)

Introducing the Heart of Innovation: Milo the Arcane Architect! 🎪

June 3rd - via:
Step into the extraordinary world of the circus and meet Milo, the Arcane Architect—a brilliant artificer whose inventive genius brings unparalleled magic to our performances. 🌟 Milo joined the circus in a rather serendipitous manner. His... (Read More)

We’ve Reached Our Second Stretch Goal! 🎉🎉

May 31st - via:
Step right up and join the celebration! Thanks to your incredible support, we’ve hit our second stretch goal! 🥳 I'm thrilled to announce that every backer will now receive a Circus-Themed Custom Character Sheet! This uniquely crafted sheet is... (Read More)

The Circus is in Town! 🎪

May 28th - via:
And now, it's time to start introducing some of its most crucial members! Step into the enchanting world of the circus and meet the captivating leader behind it all: Ringmistress Elara: The Hellfire Hostess! Elara's journey from a lone dreamer to... (Read More)

We've Reached Our First Stretch Goal! 🎉

May 23rd - via:
Thanks to your amazing support, we’ve unlocked the first stretch goal! Every backer will now receive the legendary Juggler's Blade, a mesmerizing weapon that grows in power alongside its wielder! ✨ Juggler's Blade ✨ Evolving Power: The blade... (Read More)

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