Dwayne: A Tale from Existentia - A Dark Speculative Novella

A project in Missoula, MT by Oneshi Press

Funding Successful

Her life is upended when a 15-ton boulder appears in her home. She forms an uneasy alliance with "Dwayne." Until he starts to move…
Backers: 120
Average Pledge Per Backer: $22

Funded: $2,690 of $650
Dates: Feb 1st -> Feb 22nd (22 days)
Project By: Oneshi Press
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Latest News

Less Than Three Hours to Go!

February 22nd - via: kickstarter.com
We're sitting pretty at exactly $2,000 over our initial funding goal! That's an astonishing result…but we're not done yet!  With just under three hours left in the campaign, we've got plenty of room to grow! If you're so inclined, now is a great... (Read More)

Fourth Stretch Goal Unlocked!

February 22nd - via: kickstarter.com
Oh. Em. Gee!  We have less than six hours left in the "Dwayne" campaign, and we've just smashed our fourth stretch goal and reached 400% funded! Did you read that? 400. Percent. Funded! That's an achievement I have never achieved in all my years of... (Read More)

"Dwayne" Ends Tomorrow!

February 21st - via: kickstarter.com
Wow! The campaign to fund "Dwayne" ends in just over 24 hours! I can hardly believe it, but it's true! As of right now… We're hovering at just under 350% funded We're just little more than $250 short of our next stretch goal—unlocking Jayel... (Read More)

You're Invited to Our Countdown Party!

February 20th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey there, Dwayne backer! We're down to the final 48 hours to fund "Dwayne," which means that now it's time to start…planning how we're going to celebrate! So I'm hereby inviting you to a live-streamed countdown party at the very end of the... (Read More)

How to Use Add-Ons!

February 19th - via: kickstarter.com
Well, howdy, Dwayne backer! I can't believe there are only 3 days left in this campaign! The past few weeks have absolutely flown by in a haze of excitement about the outpouring of support you've shown for this surreal novella of mine, but here we... (Read More)

What's Your Favorite Kind of Rock/Stone?

February 18th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi, Dwayne backer! During our live AMA on Tuesday night, we learned all about rocks vs. stones! As we were answering viewers' questions about "Dwayne," we realized that nobody really knew what the difference between a "rock" and a "stone" was! So we... (Read More)

Audiobook Recording Has Begun—Here's Photo Evidence!

February 17th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey there, Dwayne backer! I thought you'd like to know that recording for the audiobook version of "Dwayne" is officially under way! In my (home) studio in 2022 As you can see, my  setup is not exactly the most professional, but hey! You get a look... (Read More)

Lynsey Reads Part 2 of "Dwayne"

February 16th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi, Dwayne backer! It's time for another sneak peek of "Dwayne"! Today, I'm sending you the video of me reading Part 2 of the story. You can watch and listen below, or view the video on YouTube (where likes, comments, and subscribes are welcome)!... (Read More)

Don't Forget! Live AMA with Jayel and Lynsey TONIGHT!

February 15th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey there, Dwayne backer! We're going LIVE on the Oneshi Press Twitch channel TONIGHT! Author Lynsey and cover artist/illustrator Jayel will be live for two hours to answer all your questions about Dwayne, Dwayne-adjacent things, and anything else... (Read More)

Bookmarks Are Coming! We Hit Our Third Stretch Goal!

February 14th - via: kickstarter.com
Hello there, Dwayne backer! Fan-freaking-tastic news! Today, we sailed past our third stretch goal of $2K! And you know that that means… All Paperbacks Now Come With a Bookmark! I know you avid readers don't always devour a book in one sitting. And... (Read More)

It's My Birthday!

February 13th - via: kickstarter.com
Happy birthday, Dwayne backer! Happy birthday to me, that is…  Today I'm turning 39 years old, and I want to thank YOU for being here with me to celebrate! Did you know that I've been writing fiction ever since I learned how to write? I think I... (Read More)

Let's Talk Stretch Goals!

February 12th - via: kickstarter.com
Hello again, Dwayne backer! I really am just blown away by the response to "Dwayne" so far! I have to admit, I was really nervous about this campaign. I've written lots of things for lots of audiences, from an award-winning memoir to poetry to... (Read More)

What Would You Name Your Rock?

February 10th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi, Dwayne backer! In "Dwayne," the protagonist of the story names her rock Dwayne (obviously). As she puts it to the insurance adjustor, Cole: "I call him Dwayne…You know, because 'the rock'?" I don't think she's a big WWE fan, so this is probably... (Read More)

Lynsey Reads Part 1 of "Dwayne"

February 9th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey, Dwayne backer! Would you like a sneak peek of what's coming in your  to expect from your very own copy of "Dwayne"? I've got you covered.  A while back, I streamed myself reading an earlier draft of the story live on Twitch, and put the videos... (Read More)

Is Dwayne an Object or a Subject? (Eye Candy Inside!)

February 8th - via: kickstarter.com
Hello, Dwayne backer! One of the central questions in the story of Dwayne the boulder is whether or not he's a thinking, feeling entity with his own motivation…or just a slightly-more-animate-than-inanimate object. The protagonist of the story... (Read More)

Creator AMA Scheduled!

February 7th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey there, Dwayne backer! When your support got us to 100% funded, we said we'd hold a live AMA (Ask Me Anything) session with the author and illustrator of "Dwayne." Now, we've got it in the books! The Dwayne AMA Is Coming… On Tuesday, February... (Read More)

Going Digital? Grab the Audiobook!

February 6th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey, Dwayne backer! We're so excited to get started creating the audiobook version of "Dwayne"! This will be our first-ever audiobook, and we hope it will be just the beginning. The audiobook is available at our higher rewards tiers, but it's ALSO... (Read More)

Here's an early reward for our backers!

February 5th - via: kickstarter.com
This post is for backers only. Please visit Kickstarter.com and log in to read. (Read More)

Meet Stretch Goal #2: The 5" Shwhiskey Sticker!

February 4th - via: kickstarter.com
Oh. Em. Gee, Dwayne backer! We did it! Stretch Goal #2 has been checked off the list, thanks to your amazing support! You've unlocked… The 5" die-cut Shwhiskey sticker! Everyone in Existentia knows Shwhiskey brand, dank AF, ye olden no. 347... (Read More)

Incredible 2nd Day! Let's Smash Stretch Goal #2!

February 3rd - via: kickstarter.com
Hey there, Dwayne backer,  We've had a totally dreamy first 48 hours of the campaign! As of the time I'm writing this, we're sitting just $11 away from Stretch Goal #2: a Shwhiskey sticker add-on!  Shwhisky is the protagonist's preferred brand of... (Read More)

Our first day ROCKED! Here's a new add-on!

February 2nd - via: kickstarter.com
Wow, Dwayne backer! We are absolutely blown away by the response to this rockin' story so far!  The campaign was funded in the first two hours (!) and by the time the first 24 hours had passed, we were at well over 200% funded (!!). That means two... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!