The Adventure Journal : Thaloria Quest

A project in London, UK by Ocular Oddities

Funding Successful

A unique blend of a dynamic habit-learning journal and a personalized RPG narrative. Complete tasks in real life to earn exp.
Backers: 359
Average Pledge Per Backer: £70

Funded: £25,020 of £2,500
Dates: May 21st -> Jun 14th (25 days)
Project By: Ocular Oddities
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Last Updated: June 14 @ 17:03 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

🌟 Thank You for an Incredible Journey - Our Campaign Has Concluded! 🌟

June 14th - via:
Dear Thaloria Quest Backers, As our Kickstarter campaign comes to a close, we are filled with immense gratitude and appreciation for each and every one of you. Thanks to your support, enthusiasm, and belief in our project, we've not only reached but... (Read More)

🎉 We Did It! £25,000 Stretch Goal Achieved! 🎉

June 14th - via:
Hello Thaloria Quest Backers, As we close in on the finish line, we are thrilled to announce that we have hit our £25,000 stretch goal! What an incredible way to wrap up this amazing journey together. Thanks to your tremendous support, every backer... (Read More)

🌟 Stretch Goal Achieved: £22,500 Reached! 9 HOURS TO GO!!!!! 🌟

June 14th - via:
Dear Thaloria Quest Backers, We are thrilled to announce that together, we've successfully reached our £22,500 stretch goal! Thanks to your incredible support and enthusiasm, we have unlocked the set of 4 exclusive, limited edition bookmarks FREE... (Read More)

🌟 Exciting Updates & Big News From Dice Tower! 🌟

June 13th - via:
Hello, Thaloria Quest Backers! As our Kickstarter campaign continues with incredible momentum, we are thrilled to share some amazing updates and special news with you all. 🎯 Approaching the £22,500 Stretch Goal! We are rapidly streaming towards... (Read More)

🎉 Milestone Achieved: £20,000 Stretch Goal Unlocked! 🎉

June 12th - via:
Hello, Thaloria Quest Adventurers! We are beyond excited to share some fantastic news—thanks to your amazing support, we have reached our £20,000 stretch goal! This milestone marks a significant achievement for all of us, as it means the first... (Read More)

🚀 How to Add Add-Ons & Modify Your Pledge + Stretch Goal Update! 🚀

June 12th - via:
Hello Thaloria Quest Backers, We're thrilled by the enthusiasm you've shown for our expansion packs and add-ons! To ensure everyone can easily enhance their pledge with these fantastic additions, here’s a quick guide on how to modify your pledge... (Read More)

🚀 Exciting Announcement: New Expansion Packs Launched! 🚀

June 11th - via:
Hello Thaloria Quest Backers, We have some thrilling news to share that we’ve been eagerly working on behind the scenes! Starting today, we are introducing two new expansion packs for the Thaloria Quest journals. These expansions transform your... (Read More)

🥁 Color Voting Results Are In! And the Winners Are... 🥁

June 11th - via:
Hello Thaloria Quest Backers, Thank you to everyone who participated in our colour voting! We’ve tallied up all your votes, and after a thrilling countdown, we're excited to announce the winning colours for our first production run of Thaloria... (Read More)

🎉 We've Surpassed 20 Social Bars! Plus, Urgent Reminders & Exciting News Ahead! 🎉

June 10th - via:
Hello Thaloria Quest Backers, We are thrilled to announce that thanks to your incredible support and sharing, we’ve not only reached but exceeded our current social stretch goal! We're currently at 22 bars, which means every backer will receive 4... (Read More)

🚨 Last Chance to Vote for Your Favorite Journal Colors! Deadline: 12 Noon BST Tomorrow! 🚨

June 9th - via:
Hello Thaloria Quest Backers, Time is ticking! You have until 12 noon BST tomorrow to cast your votes for the color selection of our upcoming Thaloria Quest journals. This is your opportunity to influence the look and feel of the journals you’ll... (Read More)

🌈 We’re Getting Closer! Vote for Your Favorite Journal Colours! 🌈

June 8th - via:
Hello Thaloria Quest Backers, We’re thrilled to announce that we are drawing even closer to our exciting £20,000 stretch goal! As we approach this milestone, it’s time for you to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of Thaloria Quest.... (Read More)

🎉 Exciting News: We're Just One Bar Away from Our First Social Stretch Goal! 🎉

June 6th - via:
Hello, Thaloria Quest Adventurers! We’re thrilled to share some fantastic news with you all. Thanks to your amazing efforts in sharing and supporting our campaign, we are now just ONE bar away from hitting our first social stretch goal at 20 bars!... (Read More)

🌟 Up Next: Unlock Exclusive Thaloria Quest Bookmarks at £22,500! 🌟

June 1st - via:
Hello Thaloria Quest Backers, As we continue on this incredible journey together, we are excited to share a sneak peek into our next stretch goal! We’re closing in on the £22,500 mark, and we can't wait to reveal what we have in store for you.... (Read More)

🎉 Milestone Achieved! £15,000 Stretch Goal Unlocked! 🎉

May 29th - via:
Hello Thaloria Quest Adventurers! We are thrilled to announce that together, we have reached and surpassed our £15,000 stretch goal! Thanks to your incredible support, we've unlocked the scratch-off surface feature for all quest cards in Thaloria... (Read More)

🚀 Exciting Update: New Add-On Available by Popular Demand! 🚀

May 28th - via:
Dear Thaloria Quest Backers, We're thrilled to bring you an exciting update that many of you have been asking for! Due to popular demand, we are now offering the Quest Cards as a full PDF download. This new add-on will not only include the original... (Read More)

🚀 Exciting Progress on Our Social Stretch Goals & Thriving Discord Community! 🚀

May 28th - via:
Hello Thaloria Quest Backers! We're excited to share some fantastic updates with you all! Thanks to your enthusiastic participation and support, our social stretch goals are moving along beautifully. Your engagement is making a huge difference, and... (Read More)


May 26th - via:
We’re Nearly There! Just under £700 Away from Our Next Stretch Goal! Thanks to your incredible support, we are now just under £700 shy of our next exciting stretch goal! Your enthusiasm and backing have brought us so close to unlocking another... (Read More)

🚀 Stretch Goal Alert: Let’s Smash It This Weekend! + Blog Post 🚀

May 25th - via:
Hello, Thaloria Quest adventurers! We’re just £2,000 away from unlocking our next exciting stretch goal, and we need your help to smash this target over the weekend! This is your chance to be part of Thaloria Quest history by helping us reach this... (Read More)

🌟 Join Us at the UK Games Expo! Exciting News for Thaloria Quest Fans! 🌟

May 24th - via:
Hello, Thaloria adventurers! We're thrilled to announce that Thaloria Quest will be at the UK Games Expo (UKGE) from May 31st to June 2nd! This is your chance to see, touch, and experience the latest production copies of the Thaloria Quest Adventure... (Read More)

🎉 Incredible Milestone Achieved: £10K Stretch Goal Unlocked! 🎉

May 23rd - via:
Dear Thaloria Quest Adventurers, We are thrilled to announce that together, we've soared past our £10K stretch goal! Thanks to your amazing support, we've unlocked 10 additional cards for everyone's quest deck, bringing the total to an impressive 52... (Read More)

🌟 Unlock More Rewards with Our Social Stretch Goals! 🌟

May 22nd - via:
Exciting news, adventurers! We have a fun and interactive way to unlock amazing rewards through our social media stretch goals. Each action you take on our designated platforms helps fill up 'life bars'—visual indicators of our collective progress... (Read More)

Syd Creating Her Character

May 22nd - via:
Hey everyone, We have a series of videos coming which will show off different aspects of the journal. Take a look at Sydney in this episode creating her unique character!  (Read More)

🎉 We’ve Reached £7500! Premium Spot Gloss Magnetic Boxes Unlocked! 🎉

May 22nd - via:
🎉 We’ve Reached £7500! Premium Spot Gloss Magnetic Boxes Unlocked! 🎉 Dear Thaloria Quest Backers, We are absolutely overjoyed to announce that we have smashed through our £7500 stretch goal! Thanks to your passionate support, every Thaloria... (Read More)

🌟 Stretch Goal Achieved! Thank You for Unlocking Stickers for Everyone! 🌟

May 21st - via:
Hello, Thaloria adventurers! We are thrilled to share that together, we have successfully reached our £5000 stretch goal! Thanks to your incredible support and enthusiasm, every single backer will now receive an exclusive set of Thaloria Quest... (Read More)

Funded in under 90 minutes!!! Thank you backers!

May 21st - via:
🌟 We Did It! Thank You for Making This Dream a Reality! 🌟 Dear Thaloria Quest Backers, We are thrilled to announce that not only have we met our funding goal, but we've surpassed it with a current total of £3,097! From the bottom of our... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!