Avant Carde

A project in Hanover, NH by Mary Flanagan

Funding Successful

The Art Collection Deckbuilding Game
Backers: 2279
Average Pledge Per Backer: $26

Funded: $58,787 of $14,000
Dates: Jul 17th -> Aug 12th (26 days)
Project By: Mary Flanagan
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Last Updated: August 12 @ 12:03 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

The Final Week!

August 8th - via: kickstarter.com
My team is (mostly) back from Gen Con, and excited for the final week of the campaign! As always, please help us finish strong by sharing with any friends you think might like the game! At the convention we did lots of Avant Carde demos, met a bunch... (Read More)

Avant Carde at Gen Con

July 31st - via: kickstarter.com
Dear friends of Avant Carde, My team and I are heading to Gen Con in Indianapolis this week, and most of us are leaving today. If you're attending, we'd love to see you at the booth (#2304)—drop by and tell us you're an Avant Carde backer and we'll... (Read More)

Stretch Goals, Streams, Learn & Play, and More!

July 27th - via: kickstarter.com
Dear patrons of Avant Carde, Stretch Goals We believe in making a game great, or not at all, so we only had one initial stretch goal. But I'm happy to announce one more stretch goal: spot gloss finish on the box and tokens! If we get to $45,000 we're... (Read More)

Stream Tonight! More Wooden Box Editions Coming Soon

July 24th - via: kickstarter.com
Dear friends of Avant Carde, Happy start of week 2! Tune in tonight at 7pm eastern as our friends over at Board Game House play Avant Carde on stream! Wooden Box Edition We've heard more requests for the "Patron of the Arts" tier pledge that comes... (Read More)

The Coming Weeks

July 21st - via: kickstarter.com
Dear patrons of Avant Carde, It's been an excellent first week! Thank you again to everyone for joining us on this journey! Some stats from this week: Funded in 31 hours! Currently 175% funded! But most importantly: over 900 backers! We're thrilled... (Read More)

Funded in 36 Hours

July 19th - via: kickstarter.com
Dear patrons of Avant Carde, We did it! Thank you for helping us fund Avant Carde faster than any of our previous campaigns! It only took 36 hours. Not only that, but we also hit our main stretch goal for the magnetic clasping box! So here's some... (Read More)

Avant Carde turns classic Uno into literal art (and a better game)

July 19th - via: dicebreaker.com
Avant Carde takes the basic rules of Uno - in which players must play a card matching either the number or colour of the last card played - and builds on them with an element of deckbuilding similar to Dominion and a variable selection of card powers. (Read More)

Kickstarter Tabletop Alert: 'Avant Carde'

July 18th - via: geekdad.com
Avant Carde is a deck-building game for 1 to 5 players, ages 8 and up, and takes about 30 minutes to play. It’s currently seeking funding on Kickstarter, with a pledge level of $20 for a standard copy of the game or $29 for the Kickstarter edition that includes metal coins and a micro expansion. (Read More)

50% and Day 1

July 17th - via: kickstarter.com
Dear supporters, As I write this at 6:00pm, Avant Carde is already more than 50% funded! Thank you all for making this a record breaking campaign for us—this is the most any of our campaigns has raised in the first day, the most backers in the... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!