Battle Cry! A 5e Gladiator Arena adventure!!

A project in Appleton, WI by Matthew David

Funding Successful

A D&D 5e adventure set in the War Pit, an Orc controlled Gladiator Arena
Backers: 392
Average Pledge Per Backer: $29

Funded: $11,325 of $2,000
Dates: May 20th -> Jun 11th (23 days)
Project By: Matthew David
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Last Updated: June 11 @ 21:03 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

Final Day of the Battle Cry! Campaign

June 11th - via:
Hey Everyone, As we approach the final hours of our Battle Cry! campaign, we want to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude and share some important updates. A Heartfelt Thank You to Our Team First and foremost, we extend a massive thank you... (Read More)

The final 36 hrs

June 10th - via:
Hello everyone! We are now in the final 36 hours of our campaign, and we couldn’t be more excited to share what’s coming next. Thanks to your incredible support and votes, we have some amazing stretch goals to include in the final release of... (Read More)

Cast Your Vote for Our Next Stretch Goals!

June 7th - via:
We are thrilled to announce that we about to reach our latest stretch goal, and it's now time for you to have a say in what comes next! We are constantly striving to enhance your experience with Penny Blood Adventures, and your feedback is invaluable... (Read More)

Choosing the next Penny Blood Adventure

June 5th - via:
Hello, Adventurers! Based on the incredible feedback we received from our last poll, we are thrilled to announce that we've started work on four exciting new adventures. Now, we need your help to decide which one should be the next published Penny... (Read More)

Experimenting with Audio for Battle Cry and future Penny Blood Adventures

June 2nd - via:
As part of our ongoing mission to create rich and immersive environments for your tabletop experiences, we are experimenting with audio enhancements for our current and future adventures. Your feedback in the comments is invaluable as we explore this... (Read More)

Unleash the Lore: Cast Your Vote for the War Pit's Next Chapter!

May 28th - via:
Dear Backers, We are thrilled to announce that our latest stretch goal has been reached, thanks to your incredible support and enthusiasm! Now, we have an exciting opportunity for you to shape the adventure even further. We are giving you the chance... (Read More)

Editing Updates and Memorial Day Wishes!

May 26th - via:
Dear Backers, As we head into the long Memorial Day weekend here in the USA, we want to take a moment to wish you all a happy and safe holiday. It’s a time for reflection, gratitude, and remembrance, as well as an opportunity to spend some quality... (Read More)

Download Your Exclusive Hi-Res Battle Cry Wallpapers!

May 24th - via:
Hello Valiant Backers! We're thrilled to share a special treat with all of you who've supported our journey in bringing the world of "Battle Cry!" to life. As a token of our appreciation, we're excited to offer you exclusive Hi-Res wallpapers... (Read More)

Stretch Goal #2 is reached and your input needed!

May 22nd - via:
Hey everyone! We're thrilled with the support and excitement for our latest campaign, Battle Cry! As we continue to develop new content, we want to hear from you. Let us know in the comments below which of the following two options you would like to... (Read More)

Thank You for the Amazing Launch of Battle Cry!

May 21st - via:
Greetings, mighty warriors! We are thrilled and humbled by the incredible launch of Battle Cry! Your support has been nothing short of spectacular, and we couldn’t have asked for a better start. As a special “Thank You,” we are excited to... (Read More)

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