Lignite Collection for Pebble - Quality Watchfaces and Apps

A project in Guelph, Canada by Edwin Finch

Funding Successful

A collection of premium watchfaces and apps for Pebble and Pebble Time, which are beautifully designed and optimized for Pebble.
Backers: 1176
Average Pledge Per Backer: $6 CAD

Funded: $7,177 CAD of $800 CAD
Dates: Mar 29th -> Apr 28th (30 days)
Project By: Edwin Finch
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$7,177 CAD

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Last Updated: April 28 @ 12:30 -0400 GMT


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funding period ended

$0 CAD

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Latest News

Completed Faces and Announcing 2 Additions to the Lignite Family!

April 24th - via:
Hey backers! Hope your week is going well, I'm looking forward to the weekend. 2 New WatchfacesSurprise! We're adding 2 watchfaces to the collection, for all backers (where amount pledged >$2), with no extra cost involved. These will be available... (Read More)

Stretch Goal Watchfaces!

April 19th - via:
Hey again backers! Long time no talk :P Stretch Goal WatchfacesHere are all of the stretch goals that've been unlocked. Big cheers to Philipp for spending so much time putting these mockups + descriptions together! GRAPH I think this one speaks for... (Read More)

Current Collection

April 18th - via:
Hey backers! Current CollectionWe've come down to a final 18 watchfaces/watchapps for the initial collection after lots of discussion. As most of you know, Philipp and I had created a stretch goal of an extra face/app per another $300 past our... (Read More)

Teespring Campaign and TimeDock Watchface!

April 15th - via:
Hey backers, Quick update for you guys today. We've still been working hard on our apps - and Edwin recently got a pre-production Pebble Time thanks to Pebble themselves to help create awesome colour apps. TimeDock Watchface Complete TimeDock... (Read More)

Some Android and iOS updates, KnightRider, and 6 new designs!

April 5th - via:
Hey backers! Philipp and I have been hard at work on all of the latest designs and code for you guys to enjoy. We're getting closer and closer to the first beta, and still are blown away by the amount of extra watchfaces we have to make because of... (Read More)

Custom Watchface for TimeDock + Some Updates

March 31st - via:
Hey everyone! (TimeDock + Lignite Collection) == AwesomeWe've recently partnered up with TimeDock, another Pebble related Kickstarter that is creating charging docks for the Pebble Time. They've backed us for the custom watchface pledge, and we've... (Read More)

We've gone flat (in a good way)!

March 30th - via:
Hey everybody, I hope your week is going well. We're still going strong on Kickstarter - with 2,555 raised as of time of posting and lots of love from the community. You guys rock. Flat Designs! Collection - flattened We've heard your calls - and all... (Read More)

Wow! What an awesome start. Here are some stats + a quick update.

March 29th - via:
Hey everyone, hope you're all doing great. In under 5 hours, the Lignite Collection had reached its goal of $800 CAD. This is amazing. I can't even express how happy Philipp and I are at the community's outstanding support, seriously, I'm... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!