Uncharted Territories: 1000+ Battle Maps for TTRPG

A project in London, UK by The Crazy Cartographer

Funding Successful

1000+ RPG maps await! For every new backer, we'll add 1 additional map to the collection. Your search for battle maps ends here.
Backers: 2789
Average Pledge Per Backer: £13

Funded: £35,910 of £100
Dates: Mar 12th -> Apr 11th (30 days)
Project By: The Crazy Cartographer
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Last Updated: April 11 @ 09:03 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

Day 27: 3,330 Maps... You Might Need a Second Hard Drive! 😄

April 9th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey map maniacs! We've been a little quiet recently... hustling behind the scenes and gearing up for the campaign conclusion. For our welcome newcomers or anyone who fancies a refresher, here's a quick FAQ based on common questions we've received... (Read More)

Day 23: Over 2,000 Backers... It's Map Madness!

April 5th - via: kickstarter.com
Just... WOW! We've officially surpassed 2,000 backers... 2,097 to be exact! 😱 This means that our map count has skyrocketed to an astonishing 3,097 maps (Dungeon Masters and Ultimate tiers), with the additional 2,097 to be created based on our... (Read More)

Day 21: 2,936 Maps! The Imagination Expedition Continues!

April 3rd - via: kickstarter.com
Heyo! We've got another batch of incredible maps to share with you, courtesy of our awesome community and their ever-brilliant suggestions. Before we dive in, let's take a quick minute to celebrate the mind-blowing progress we've made together. We're... (Read More)

Day 19: 2,789 Maps! This thing is Getting out of Control! :)

April 1st - via: kickstarter.com
Hey there, adventuring aficionados! We hope you had a fantastic weekend filled with joy and relaxation. Whether you were celebrating a holiday, spending time with loved ones, or simply enjoying some well-deserved downtime, we've got a fresh batch of... (Read More)

Day 17: 2,586 Maps - Double the Fun, Double the Adventure!

March 29th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey, map maniacs! We apologize for the brief intermission in our daily updates - as they say, life is what happens when you're making other maps! But fear not, because we're back with a double dose of excitement to make up for lost time. For those... (Read More)

Day 15: 2,490 Maps - Imagination Soars!

March 27th - via: kickstarter.com
Greetings, daydream adventurers! Our map-making odyssey continues, and thanks to your creativity and support, we've reached an incredible total of 2,490 maps! This includes the 1,000 maps already completed and an additional 1,490 maps that will be... (Read More)

Day 14: 2,418 Maps... Mushrooming with Creativity!

March 26th - via: kickstarter.com
Hello, fantasy fanatics! We're thrilled to announce that, thanks to your incredible support, we've reached a total of 2,418 maps! That's 1,000 maps already completed and an additional 1,418 maps that will be created based on the number of backers we... (Read More)

Day 13: 2,335 Maps and Climbing!

March 25th - via: kickstarter.com
Greetings, intrepid adventurers! Another day, another batch of mind-blowing maps courtesy of our fantastic backers! We've hit an astounding 2,335 maps, and the creativity just keeps flowing like a river of pure imagination. Today's featured maps are... (Read More)

Day 12: 2,233 Maps... And No Signs of Stopping!

March 24th - via: kickstarter.com
What's up, map maniacs! We're back with another exciting update, and boy, do we have some tasty treats in store for you today! Our map count has reached an impressive 2,231, and we couldn't have done it without your amazing suggestions and support.... (Read More)

Day 10: 2,192 Maps... Time to Get Your Gears Turning!

March 23rd - via: kickstarter.com
Hey there, map maniacs! We've got a quick but exciting update for you today. Our map count has climbed to a jaw-dropping 2,238, and we've got some fantastic new additions to share, thanks to our incredible backers: Christian Schick: Clockwork Joe... (Read More)

Day 9: 2,136 Maps Incoming and a Weekend Full of Adventure!

March 22nd - via: kickstarter.com
Happy Friday, my map-loving maniacs! We've made it through another week, and boy, do we have some treats for you today! Our map count has skyrocketed to a mind-boggling 2,136, and we're still just getting started.  But before we dive into today's... (Read More)

Day 8: All Hail Cosmo-cat, the Ruler of our Cartographic Universe!

March 21st - via: kickstarter.com
Greetings, adventurers... and feline aficionados! First things first, let's all take a moment to bow down before our new cartographic overlord, the majestic Cosmo-cat! That's right, one of our brilliant backers, Giovanni Hernandez, suggested the... (Read More)

Day 7: 1000 Strong Community and 2000+ Maps!

March 20th - via: kickstarter.com
Map-nificent news! Thanks to your incredible support and undeniable awesomeness, we've smashed through the 1000 backer mark like a thirsty barbarian through a tavern door!  That's right, our community is now over a thousand strong, and we're... (Read More)

Day 6: 1936 Maps... This is Crazy!

March 19th - via: kickstarter.com
Greetings, adventurers! First things first, we want to address a small issue from yesterday's update. A couple of the maps didn't upload correctly, but fear not! You can download and access the missing mystery maps from Day 5 here. Now, let's dive... (Read More)

Day 5: 1850 Battle Maps... and No Signs of Stopping!

March 17th - via: kickstarter.com
Greetings, adventurers! Wow, what an incredible journey it's been so far! With your support flooding in, we've reached an astonishing 1850 maps – and we're really just getting started! Today's mystery maps are a testament to the power of... (Read More)

Day 4: The Adventure Continues... 1752 Maps and a Universe of Possibilities!

March 16th - via: kickstarter.com
Ahoy, Adventurers! We're back with another exciting update, and we can't thank you enough for your incredible support and engagement. With your help, we've reached an astonishing 1752 maps for anyone who pledged the Dungeon Master's tier or higher... (Read More)

Day 3: 1660 Maps... This is Bonkers!

March 15th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey there, adventurers! Before we dive into today's mystery maps, can we ask a small favor?  It would be absolutely incredible if you could share our community battle map images on your favorite social media platforms and include a link back to the... (Read More)

Day 2: 1554 Maps and Counting!

March 14th - via: kickstarter.com
Greetings, fellow adventurers! Can you believe it? Our community is growing at an astonishing rate, and your suggestions have been nothing short of brilliant! We're thrilled to see so many creative keywords pouring in, each one a seed of inspiration... (Read More)

The Power of Community Collaboration!

March 13th - via: kickstarter.com
Well, that escalated quickly! :) In less than 24 hours, we're already adding nearly 400 additional maps to the collection... no sight of retirement for Gilmore any time soon! We're incredibly grateful and excited for all the support and enthusiasm... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!