Bepple Covers - personalize and protect your Pebble Time

A project in Melbourne, AU by Onepointsix Design

Funding Successful

Precision crafted covers to personalize and protect your Pebble Time smartwatch
Backers: 569
Average Pledge Per Backer: $37

Funded: $21,295 of $17,500
Dates: Mar 19th -> Apr 18th (30 days)
Project By: Onepointsix Design
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Last Updated: April 18 @ 19:30 -0400 GMT


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Latest News


April 18th - via:
Funded + pledges closed!  Thanks to our 569 backers that helped us make this campaign a success and Bepple Covers a reality.  Got your pledge in? Good – you’re one of 569 backers who supported Bepple Covers to exceed our target, unlock the... (Read More)

Success! Stretch Goal and Reward Level Update

April 16th - via:
We are 100% funded! Thanks to all of our backers we not only hit our funding target, but also unlocked our first stretch goal meaning DARK BLUE is now an available option for all backers. Fantastic work from all of you and a big thanks to everyone... (Read More)

New Reward Level

April 13th - via:
Almost There!We're almost there with less than $1K left to hit our funding goal! Thanks to all for your support and help along the way, and don't stop pushing until you hit the stretch goal you want. Hex Lover Reward Level AnnouncedAt the request of... (Read More)

Share + tag + win!

April 12th - via:
Want to see more colors unlocked, and ensure you get your Bepple Covers?  Then join the awesome backers that have been spreading the Bepple Covers message on Facebook, Twitter, blogs and forums, and you could be rewarded - with a Bonus Cover!  In... (Read More)

New Color Announcement

April 9th - via:
After many requests, much debate, and a good number of votes we are ready to announce the clear winner of the Bepple Cover Backer Vote.   WINNER: RED All backers will now be able to select an option for the red bepple for their Pebble Time or... (Read More)

ALMOST THERE! - Funding and Partner Update

April 7th - via:
75% FundedThis morning we crossed the 75% mark in our funding goal and are now staring down the home stretch. We're amazed by the response and want to thank every one of you for helping us get this far. However, we're not done yet. We've still got a... (Read More)

Did someone say NEW COLORS?

March 27th - via:
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read. (Read More)

Help us get Funded!

March 26th - via:
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read. (Read More)

Bepple Steel - You want it? You got it!

March 25th - via:
Hello to all Bepplers! It’s our proud pleasure to announce that as of right now, we are offering Bepple covers for Pebble Time Steel! Due to both production savings and an overwhelming response from Pebble Time Steel backers, we can now offer the... (Read More)

26% funded + Bonus Bepple Cover

March 24th - via:
You helped us hit 26% of our goal in less than a week! To celebrate and reward this milestone (plus some other changes to our production costs) we're giving a bonus Bepple Cover to all existing and new backers during the Kickstarter campaign (for... (Read More)

100 Backers!

March 19th - via:
Wow! What a tremendous response. We're so excited that so many Pebble Time backers want our Bepple Covers on their new watches. We've had amazing growth so far, but this project still needs a lot more backers if we're all gonna fancy up our wrists... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!