Cura Te Ipsum Year Two

A project in Portland, OR by Neal Bailey

Funding Successful

The trade paperback for the second full year of the ongoing digital comic Cura Te Ipsum, by Neal Bailey and Dexter Wee.
Backers: 116
Average Pledge Per Backer: $85

Funded: $9,846 of $5,000
Dates: May 29th -> Jun 28th (30 days)
Project By: Neal Bailey
comicsadventurescience fiction +Suggest

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Last Updated: June 28 @ 12:02 -0400 GMT


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Latest News


June 26th - via:
You guys have done it again! Now everyone gets a postcard, a button, and a bookmark with every order! We have two more stretch goals, and thirty-nine hours! The last three have been five hundred dollar bumps, but this next is a thousand dollars... it... (Read More)

BOOKMARKS! And Buttons Ahoy!

June 25th - via:
FOR CHARLIE!Folks.... Folks! Thanks to one generous benefactor's incredible donation, we have just screamed past our bookmark stretch goal and are nearing BUTTONS! Tell a friend... let's keep this ball rolling! WOOT! Neal (and Dex)  (Read More)

Postcard UNLOCKED!

June 25th - via:
MESSAGE FROM HEADQUARTERSWith a mere SIXTY-FIVE hours to go, we have unlocked a free POSTCARD for every order! Congrats, and THANK YOU! With the Kickstarter ending Friday morning, at approximately 9AM PST, 12 noon EST, there are still almost three... (Read More)

Let's Put Some Comics on Those Comics!

June 23rd - via:
So, you may have seen the update, yesterday, where we outline the stretch goals going into our last five da- (LASTFOURDAYSNOWYEEEEEP!) Excuse me. Et-hem. As I was saying, going into the last four days we have set a few relatively modest goals to help... (Read More)


June 22nd - via:
HUZZAH!You have done it! You have managed to unlock Hardcovers! Now every order of $75 dollars and above will be automatically upgraded! Also, and this should have been noted earlier, my mistake, but if you ordered a higher tier and for whatever... (Read More)


June 18th - via:
YEAR ONE HARDCOVERHey, folks! As we come closer and closer to the stretch goal of hardcover options, I thought you might like to see our cover design for Year One, should we make that goal! You've already seen Year Two, but here is Year Two in the... (Read More)


June 17th - via:
Wha? We just did an update. I know, I know. But there's even more stuff to mention, now! SKETCHESSo, it has been brought to my attention, and wisely so, that we have not shown you, here, in the Kickstarter, what you get when you order one of the... (Read More)


June 17th - via:
TEN DAYSAs we charge into the last third of our Kickstarter, Dex and I are working hard. I've been punching the keys with the Choose Your Own Dimension novella. It's getting bigger than I expected it to be, but it's so much fun, you guys. Really. It... (Read More)

FIRST STRETCH UNLOCKED! Better Paper for Everyone!

June 10th - via:
BETTER PAPER! And just like that, we have our first stretch goal! Now, thanks to a very generous donation, EVERY trade will have the higher quality paper! Our thanks go out to BJ Shea’s Geek Nation podcast for going above and beyond the call of... (Read More)

We Did It!

June 8th - via:
TEN DAYSWow! Last night, I was doing my normal thing, punching the keys and writing some Cura stuff, when I thought, "Hey, might be a good idea to check on the Kickstarter." I clicked, I looked, and OH MY GOD WE ARE AT FIVE THOUSAAAAAAND! I promptly... (Read More)

92% and Rising!

June 7th - via:
ALMOST THERE!Thanks to the generous pledges of many, many fine people, we are almost funded with twenty days left to go! This is so fantastic! I have to walk out of the room sometimes, walk back in, walk back out, walk back in, squeak my eyes with my... (Read More)

60% and Stretch Goals!

June 3rd - via:
MORE THAN HALFWAY THERE!Hey, folks! It's been an amazing week! I've watched in awe and slight terror as the pledges have gone up, and up, and now they're at over 3,200 dollars, which is 64% of the goal! That is SO FANTASTIC, and I wish to thank you... (Read More)

Our Amazing First Day

May 29th - via:
HUZZAH!Thank you all, you fine folks, for an incredible jump out of the gate! Dex and I are both incredibly overwhelmed and grateful! No time for rest, however. We are hard at work on the project, trying to find the best ways to make it everything it... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!