Aesparel - business apparel for athletes

A project in Munich, Germany by Axel Brunn, Dina Stöcker, Marco Hantel

Cancelled by Creator

Our vision is to redefine business- and casual apparel to suit the specific demands of athletes.
Backers: 119
Average Pledge Per Backer: €167

Funded: €19,884 of €70,000
Dates: Mar 1st -> Mar 31st (30 days)
Project By: Axel Brunn, Dina Stöcker, Marco Hantel
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Last Updated: March 30 @ 12:30 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

Final Update: We will be back (in a few days already!)

March 30th - via:
Hey fellow athletes,  4 weeks have passed since the launch of our campaign and today we have some big news for you. As you surely have noticed, chances aren’t too good that we will get this campaign successfully funded. That sounds really bad... (Read More)

Update 5: New Video, Meet&Greet and Next Steps

March 23rd - via:
Hey fellow athletes, another exciting week has passed and it’s time to get you guys up to date with our latest developments.  Large Sizes: Many professional body builders and athletes of strength-related sports have asked us if they will also fit... (Read More)

Webcam-based size finding and a lot more news!

March 9th - via:
Hey fellow athletes!I really owe you an update as we are overwhelmed by the pace in which exciting news are pouring in on us:  1. We got plenty of new media coverage and some really cool articles in different sports- and fashion magazines, such as... (Read More)

Check out what you can do with the right kind of jeans!

March 4th - via:
Hey athletes,   instead of a long text, we thought you might enjoy some action on this friday! Our Model Nora shows what’s possible when you wear the right pair of jeans - and when you're a pole dance teacher ;)!   You'll need an HTML5 capable... (Read More)

We got our first feature!

March 2nd - via:
Hey Backers! Great news - we got featured TWICE today! FashionUnited, one of the leading apparel and fashion websites in Germany provided us this awesome article. And then the guys from BOXROX Magazine, one of the biggest online Mags for Crossfit,... (Read More)

Athletes are the best people!

March 2nd - via:
Hey Athletes! The first day has passed – and we can assure you it was a thrill! We want to express our deepest gratefulness to everyone who has helped us get our campaign started so well and especially to those who have already supported us by... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!