NUIA eyeCharm: Kinect® to eye tracking

A project in Munich, Germany by 4tiitoo

Funding Successful

Experience the fascination of controlling your computer directly with your eyes!
Backers: 1390
Average Pledge Per Backer: $74

Funded: $102,608 of $100,000
Dates: Mar 8th -> Apr 7th (30 days)
Project By: 4tiitoo
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Latest News

The NUIA eyeCharm is funded!

April 8th - via:
Dear Backers Thank you very much for your great support within the last 31 days. You made this campaign Germanys largest Kickstarter project so far! Awesome! :) It has been an incredible experience for us and after the NUIA eyeCharm was funded... (Read More)

We have surpassed our funding goal of $100.000!

April 4th - via:
This is very exciting for us and we want to thank especially all our backers - this is only possible because of you! Kickstarter is an amazing experience and we are now looking foward to bring the magic of controlling a computer with your eyes to all... (Read More)

Funding goal is in reach!

April 3rd - via:
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read. (Read More)

Remote Eye Tracker Launches on Kickstarter

April 1st - via:
A new remote eye tracker is making its debut on The eyeCharm, by Nuia, is an eye tracking accessory for the Microsoft Kinect (Read More)

Augensteuerung - Spielerei oder die Technik der Zukunft?

March 29th - via:
Hard- und Softwareindustrie sind ja stets auf der Suche nach "The next big thing". So manche, als Revolution angekündigte Neuerung verschwindet genau so schnell wieder, wie sie gekommen ist, andere Innovationen dagegen setzen sich durch, und wieder andere bleiben in ständiger Lauerstellung. (Read More)

eyeCharm Easter Special: Hide your easter egg software in all NUIA eyeCharm shipments

March 28th - via:
Do you remember when you found out, that Maniac Mansion could be played in DOTT? ... replayed Pacman on Google? …or started the flight simulator out of Excel? Software needs Easter Eggs as much as Easter does. With Easter coming up we have decided... (Read More)

NUIA Imagine with Eye and Gesture Tracking. Case Study, Video Demo

March 25th - via:
We covered the Ultimate Coder Ultrabook Challenge last year but that wasn’t the only competition being run by Intel to promote software development on an Ultrabook. The Ultrabook Experience Software Challenge was running too and the winning entry was 4tiitoo’s NUIA Imagine. It includes gesture control, touch control, voice control and true eye-tracking using the Tobii eye-tracking hardware. (Read More)


March 23rd - via:
キーボードやマウスに触れなくても、両目を動かすだけで、PCの画面をスクロールできる。アイ・トラッキング(視線追跡)を可能にする装置『NUIA eyeCharm (NUIA アイチャーム)』である。NUIA eyeCharm (NUIA アイチャーム)の仕組みとしては、人間の顔に赤外光(視認不可)を照射し、両目の動きを分析する。その上で、数学や物理学の力を借りると、人間の視線の先に何があるかを計算できるようになるというもの。 (Read More)

eyeCharm on German prime TV show Galileo tonight & New use-case videos

March 22nd - via:
The eyeCharm team is very much looking forward to seeing the eyeCharm featured on German TV channel Pro7 tonight. We had a great session with the Galileo crew and our eyeCharm this week. Funda, the host, is definitely one of the most talented eye... (Read More)

Gadgets Watch: Affordable Eye-Tracking, Glasses-free 3D, and iPhone 5 Case with Hand-Crank Battery Boost

March 21st - via:
Ever want to have an eye-tracking device for your PC? How about a hologram-like technology for your mobile phone? Or, if you're an iPhone 5 user, a no-sockets-required way to charge your battery? View Full Image Kickstarter/NUIA eyeCharm offi NUIA eyeCharm, a kickstarter project that lets you control your computer with eye movements. Here are three possibly upcoming technologies to watch out for. (Read More)

NUIA eyeCharm uses Kinnect to track your eye movements

March 20th - via:
The NUIA eyeCharm brings a whole new meaning to rolling your eyes. Instead of expressing annoyance, your eye movements could now control your screen if the new NUIA eyeCharm from 4tiitoo (pronounced “forty-two”) is successful. This add-on piece connects to a Microsoft Kinnect controller and uses it to track the user’s eye movements, which can in turn control the computer. (Read More)

Nuia eyeCharm Kinect Eye Tracking on Kickstarter

March 19th - via:
The latest Kickstarter to catch our attention is the Nuia eyeCharm eye tracker made by 4tiitoo. The tracker is set of lenses that clips over a Kinect and a set of software that allows it to track eyes. (Read More)

New CLOSED BETA packages available!

March 18th - via:
All CLOSED BETA packages are gone and we still get requests for more. We get it, you guys want to start eye tracking with the eyeCharm as fast as possible! To make sure you get a chance, we have added two additional rewards: 1. A second round of 42... (Read More)

4tiitoo’s Nuia EyeCharm uses Microsoft’s Kinect to do eye-tracking for $60

March 17th - via:
Tracking your eyes as you read a computer is a cool technology, but it’s expensive. Startup 4tiitoo says it has found a way to do it inexpensively by adding a clip-on for Microsoft’s Kinect motion-sensing system for the Xbox 360. The company launched a crowdfunding effort on Kickstarter today to raise $100,000 for the product. The experience is like getting the computer to read your mind. (Read More)

Kinect clip-on NUIA eyeCharm enables eye-tracking for $60

March 15th - via:
Would you like to control your computer with your eyes? Of course you would. The eye-tracking technology exists, but it's expensive. But if this Kickstarter project for the NUIA eyeCharm is successful, then eye-tracking won't be. That's the whole point. NUIA eyeCharm costs $60. Plus the cost of Kinect. (Read More)

4tiitoo’s Nuia EyeCharm uses Microsoft’s Kinect to do eye-tracking for $60

March 15th - via:
Tracking your eyes as you read a computer is a cool technology, but it’s expensive. Startup 4tiitoo says it has found a way to do it inexpensively by adding a clip-on for Microsoft’s Kinect motion-sensing system for the Xbox 360. The company launched a crowdfunding effort on Kickstarter today to raise $100,000 for the product. The experience is like getting the computer to read your mind. (Read More)

NUIA eyeCharm turns Kinect into an eye-tracker

March 15th - via:
When added onto an existing Kinect, the NUIA eyeCharm allows it to serve as an eye-tracking device. (Read More)

4tiitoo’s Nuia EyeCharm uses Microsoft’s Kinect to do eye-tracking for $60

March 15th - via:
Tracking your eyes as you read a computer is a cool technology, but it’s expensive. But startup 4tiitoo says it has found a way to do it inexpensively, by adding a clip-on for Microsoft’s Kinect motion-sensing system for the Xbox. (Read More)

Thank you for your support! And how-to guide for first-timers

March 13th - via:
Thanks to all of you who have already pledged for us. This is such a great and emotional experience and this is only possible because of you! We are so much looking forward to bring eye tracking to your home. The eyeCharm has received great media... (Read More)

NUIA eyeCharm Kinect Eye Tracking Device Hits Kickstarter

March 13th - via:
Eye tracking is becoming more and more common in main stream devices and the NUIA eyeCharm which has been launched on Kickstarter this month hopes to bring the new technology to Microsoft Kinect devices, with the use of a adapter that fits on to the front of the Kinect motion controller. (Read More)

eyeCharm Enhances Your Kinect Experience

March 13th - via:
Eye tracking technology seems set to be on the way to being the new rage piece in the tech jigsaw puzzle soon, especially when we hear that future versions of the Galaxy S4 will get eye tracking technology, while the LG Optimus G Pro has it, and here we are with the NUIA eyeCharm kit from 4tiitoo that intends to lower the overall cost of ownership for eye-tracking sensors, as they will sell the vital components as an add-on for Microsoft’s Kinect sensor. (Read More)

eyeCharm kit adds powerful eye-tracking to any Kinect

March 13th - via:
There's no doubt eye-tracking is going to become mainstream (we declared Tobii's eye-tracking sensor the best thing of CES 2012) over the next few years. And when it does arrive, it's going to be very expensive; Tobii's dev kit will sell for almost $1,000. 4tiitoo's NUIA eyeCharm kit could make owning an eye-tracking sensor more affordable by selling the vital components as an add-on for Microsoft's Kinect sensor. (Read More)

$60 Eye Tracker on Kick Starter Promises A Minority Report Future | Mobile Geeks

March 11th - via:
ave you ever seen Minority Report? That world of controlling screens with your hands and your eyes is a reality…a very expensive reality but a reality nevertheless. A new Kickstarter project from 4titoo called NUIA EyeCharmer that will enable you to control your PC with your eye’s for only $60. Right now the only other hardware that lets you control your PC with your eye’s is from Tobii and we’re looking at $1000. (Read More)

Insert Coin: NUIA's eyeCharm brings Kinect-assisted eye tracking (video)

March 11th - via:
While there are countless eye-tracking devices in various stages of research, development and speculation, few so far have shown what you'd call a wallet-friendly consumer face. NUIA intends to fix that with eyeCharm, a new Kickstarter project that would give you gaze-control of your computer with a software suite and Kinect-attached device. We saw similar tech from the company earlier that used the Tobii motion detector, but to work with the more consumer-friendly (and widespread) Kinect, NUIA created the eyeCharm clip-on that adds special optics and illumination to its infrared camera. (Read More)

NUIA EyeCharm Promises Eye Tracking on the Cheap

March 11th - via:
Eye tracking is one of the coolest emerging technologies I've seen in years, but it's still much too expensive to go mainstream. Now, Germany-based 4tiitoo is trying to change that with the NUIA EyeCharm, a $60 eye-tracking attachment for Microsoft's Kinect motion controller. (Read More)

NUIA eyeCharm: Eye Tracking Control for PCs with Xbox Kinect Comes to Kickstarter - HotHardware

March 11th - via:
German tech company 4tiitoo wants you to meet the NUIA eyeCharm, which transforms your Microsoft Kinect from a motion sensor to an eye motion sensor. The distinction means the difference between waving your arms to control your computer and simply moving your eyes. The project recently appeared for funding on Kickstarter and is seeking $100,000.... (Read More)

4tiitoo’s eyeCharm Kinect Add-On Lets You Control Computers With Your Eyes

March 10th - via:
After I shelled out something like $200 for a Kinect bundle that I ended up shoving in a closet, the team at 4tiitoo may have finally given me a reason to dig the thing out. The Munich-based company recently kicked off a Kickstarter campaign to let Kinect owners control their PCs with little more than some subtle glances, thanks to a $50 add-on they’re calling the eyeCharm. (Read More)

Kickstarter: Mit NUIA eyeCharm den Computer mit den Augen steuern

March 10th - via:
Wie wäre es denn eigentlich wenn man bestimmte Dinge am PC einfach mit den Augen steuern könnte? Beispielsweise mit einem Blick auf den unteren Bildschirmrand einfach eine Webseite scrollen. Das möchte das Münchner Unternehmen 4tiitoo mit dem NUIA eyeCharm realisieren. (Read More)

NUIA eyeCam-Projekt von 4tiitoo bei Kickstarter

March 10th - via:
Die Firma 4tiitoo kennt fast niemand. Der Eine oder Andere kann aber vielleicht mit dem als iPad-Killer gestarteten WeTab Tablet PC etwas anfangen. Die Mannschaft um Tore Meyer waren die Masterminds hinter der Software des WeTab. Nachdem dieses Projekt mehr oder weniger tot ist, plant Tore Meyer ein neues Vorhaben: Die Augensteuerung eines Computers mittels einer modifizierten Kinect-Hardware. (Read More)

Affordable Eye-tracking with NUIA eyeCharm for Kinect

March 9th - via:
A team of German technologists have been hard at work attempting to bring affordable eye-tracking technology to the masses. Now they’re turning to crowdsourcing for help funding their project. NUIA eyeCharm is an eye-tracking add-on designed for use with the Microsoft Kinect. (Read More)

Nuia eyeCharm for Kinect soll den Online-Markt erobern

March 9th - via:
Erfindungen gab es für die Pokerwelt schon einige, viele davon sind wieder in Vergessenheit geraten. „Nui eyeCharm for Kinect®“ ist ein neues Projekt, das Chancen hat, sich tatsächlich in der Online-Pokerwelt durchzusetzen. Mit den Augen steuert man einfach die Mouse am Bildschirm. (Read More)

NUIA eyeCharm for Kinect Brings Eye Tracking to PCs Via Kickstarter

March 8th - via:
In the year 2013, the digital user experience will be all about using your eyes to control the screen — at least that’s 4tiitoo’s perspective. The company has launched the official Kickstarter page for the NUIA eyeCharm for Kinect, piggybacking on Microsoft’s Xbox motion controller to offer a new way to interact with your computer. (Read More)

Kickstarter-Projekt: Kinect als Eye-Tracker

March 8th - via:
Die Entwickler der Software-Plattform NUIA, die das Programmieren von alternativen Steuerungskonzepten wie Sprache, Eye-Tracking und Gesten vereinfacht, wollen mit dem Hardware-Projekt eyeCharm auf Kickstarter punkten. Ziel ist es, ein günstiges Zusatzmodul für die Kinect zu entwerfen, die diese zum Eye-Tracker umfunktioniert. (Read More)

Neue Software steuert Online-Poker Action mit den Augen

March 8th - via:
Die neueste Technology "NUIA eyeCharm" soll zukünftig den Computer mit den Augen steuern. Jan Heitmann hat die Software exklusiv für Online-Pokerspieler getestet. (Read More)

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