Mini Rogue

A project in Quimper, France by Nuts! Publishing

Funding Successful

Discover the bigger and better version of this award-winning roguelike microgame!
Backers: 4925
Average Pledge Per Backer: €32

Funded: €158,437 of €10,000
Dates: Jun 9th -> Jun 24th (15 days)
Project By: Nuts! Publishing
board gamedungeon crawlerrogueliketabletop game +Suggest

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Last Updated: June 24 @ 12:01 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

Last day to pledge for Mini Rogue, more than 20 stretch goals unlocked including KS exclusive deluxe components! Don't miss out!

June 23rd - via:
The Last 24 Hours... *scream*  You have unlocked a lot of stretch goals during this campaign. For some of them, we will organize surveys after the Kickstarter ends.  3 Stretch Goals You May Have Missed This campaign is absolutely amazing and there... (Read More)

Day 14: Last 48 hours

June 22nd - via:
The last stretch goal has been unlocked! Congratulations!  This campaign has surpassed even our wildest expectations. Thank you so much! You will receive a Kickstarter Exclusive Triple-layered Dungeon mat with your game. THE LAST 48 HOURS And here... (Read More)

Day 13: About Difficulty

June 21st - via:
About Difficulty Some backers love challenges. They have asked if the game was too easy: the answer is no. Let us explain how this game can be pretty hard, and what you can do to make it harder. Different Difficulty Levels In Mini Rogue, the players... (Read More)

Day 12 part 2: 100,000€ REACHED, and Stretch Goal #21 UNLOCKED!

June 20th - via:
The 21st stretch goal has been unlocked! Well done! We will add the competitive mode to the Old Gods expansion.    Last stretch goal: Triple-Layered Dungeon Mat The next stretch goal is the last one and it is huge: if it is unlocked, we will add a... (Read More)

Day 12: Where did Mini Rogue's art direction come from?

June 20th - via:
Little note before going further: we're almost at 100,000€. It may take some time so we've decided to push this update on the art direction, and we'll follow up with another update today once we hit the stretch goal.  For now, Gabriel explains the... (Read More)

Day 11: Lore cards explained + Stretch Goals #20 UNLOCKED

June 19th - via:

Day 10: Campaign Mode 101 + Stretch Goals #18 UNLOCKED

June 18th - via:
Curious about how a small game can implement a Campaign mode? Gabriel explains: The idea for a campaign mode dates back to a couple of years ago when we started working on the first iterations of the new Mini Rogue. We had all these story ideas... (Read More)

Day 9: Co-op 101 + Spanish translation

June 17th - via:
Mini Rogue's Co-operative Mode, what makes it tick? Some words from Gabriel (game designer and graphic artist ). We've seen some talk online from people that have quickly skimmed the co-op rules and stated "the co-op rules don't work" without having... (Read More)

Day 8: Stretch Goals #18 UNLOCKED

June 16th - via:
The 18th stretch goal has been unlocked! Well done! We will create a Soundboard App for the game.  The next stretch goal has been revealed: if it is unlocked, you will be able to suggest a card title and a story for the two future Lore cards. In a... (Read More)

Day 7: Stretch Goals #17 UNLOCKED + Box + Bag + Recap on the web apps

June 15th - via:
The 17th stretch goal has been unlocked! Well done! We will add 2 Player Aids to each base game.  The next stretch goal has been revealed:  $79,023 / 70,000€ Base game box update A lot of backers have asked about the possibility to store all... (Read More)

Day 6: Stretch Goals #16 UNLOCKED + The Genesis of Mini Rogue part 2

June 14th - via:
The 16th stretch goal has been unlocked! Well done! We will add a 1 cloth bag to each Plate Armor pledges and each extra set of dice add-on.  Stretch Goal #17: Player Aids If we reach $70,909 / 63,000€, we will add 2 player aids to the base game.... (Read More)

Day 5: Stretch Goals #14 and #15 UNLOCKED + The Genesis of Mini Rogue

June 13th - via:
The 14th and the 15th stretch goals have been unlocked! Well done! We will add a Double-layer Player mats into your pledge. The cubes on your Player mats won't move anymore. We will also create a new interactive app for the Lore cards.   Stretch... (Read More)

Day 4: Stretch Goal #12 and #13 UNLOCKED!

June 12th - via:
The 12th and 13th stretch goals have been unlocked! Well done! We will add a UV coating on the base box of Mini Rogue, and provide an online rules tool. What is the advantage of having online rules? It means that searching for a specific rule is... (Read More)

Stretch Goal #11 UNLOCKED - Campaign mode

June 11th - via:
The eleventh stretch goal has been unlocked! Well done! We will add a campaign mode to the game. This mode will let you play a longer game and use different strategies: death is not the end, but rather the chance to start again with new Perks!... (Read More)

Stretch Goal #10 UNLOCKED - A second meeple appears!

June 11th - via:
The tenth stretch goal has been unlocked! Well done! We will add a second custom meeple to the base game box. If playing with a friend, Both of you will have a meeple to play with!  Stretch Goal #11: campaign mode If we reach  $45,467/ 40,000€,... (Read More)

Stretch Goal #9 UNLOCKED - 1 new Lore card

June 10th - via:
The ninth stretch goal has been unlocked! Well done! Thanks to your support, we will add 1 new Lore card to the Depths of Damnation expansion. You'll learn a bit more about the lore of the world of Mini Rogue: what is this dungeon? Who is Og? Who are... (Read More)

Stretch Goal #8 UNLOCKED - An app for Mini Rogue

June 10th - via:
The eighth stretch goal has been unlocked! Well done! Thanks to your support, we will create an app to help you play Mini Rogue. Stretch Goal #9: 1 new Lore card  If we reach  $37,498/ 33,000€, we will add a new Lore card to the Depths of... (Read More)

Stretch Goal #7 UNLOCKED - A new Lore card for the Depths of Damnation expansion

June 10th - via:
The seventh stretch goal has been unlocked! Well done! Thanks to your support, we will add a new Lore card to the Depths of Damnation expansion.  Stretch Goal #8: an app for Mini Rogue If we reach $34,093/ 30,000€, we will create a useful app for... (Read More)

Stretch Goal #6 UNLOCKED - A custom Mini Rogue coaster saves your table and earns you XP!

June 10th - via:
The sixth stretch goal has been unlocked! Wow! Thanks to your support, we will add a custom Mini Rogue coaster. Now, instead of cursing Og while cursing yourself for ruining your wood table with the condensation of your cold beverage or the heat of... (Read More)

Stretch Goal #5 UNLOCKED - Another Old Gods expansion card added!

June 9th - via:
The fifth stretch goal has been unlocked! Woohoo! Thanks to your support, we're now up to FIVE cards for the Old Gods expansion, instead of the initial three!   Fifth Old Gods expansion card UNLOCKED Well, what's next? Are you ready for something... (Read More)

Stretch Goal #4 UNLOCKED - A custom meeple appears!

June 9th - via:
The fourth stretch goal has been unlocked! Congratulations! Thanks to your support, we will add a meeple in the base game. Instead of using the Character tokens to go from one Room to the other, you will have the choice to use a custom meeple... (Read More)

A new card in the Depths of Damnation expansion

June 9th - via:
The third stretch goal is unlocked! Congratulations! Thanks to your support, we will add a new card in the Depths of Damnation expansion.   Stretch goal n°4: a custom meeple If we reach $21543 / 19000€, we will add a meeple in the base game. ... (Read More)

Thicker punch board

June 9th - via:
The second stretch goal is unlocked! Congratulations! Thanks to your support, the punch board will be thicker.  Stretch goal n°3: new card If we reach $18150 / 16000€, we will add a new card in the Depths of Damnation expansion. FRANÇAIS   Le... (Read More)

New card unlocked

June 9th - via:
The first stretch goal is unlocked! Congratulations! Thanks to your support, we will add a new card in the Old God expansion.  Stretch goal n°2: thicker punch board The second stretch goal will improve the component quality of the game. If we reach... (Read More)

You did it!

June 9th - via:
The game is funded! Congratulations! Thanks to your help, Mini Rogue will be printed. Thank you so much, we couldn't include all this new content without your support! Stretch goal n°1: new card for Old Gods Now that the game is funded, we are going... (Read More)

Mini Rogue: A Dungeon Delving Delight

June 9th - via:
Mini Rogue is a passion project to be marveled at, treasured, and appreciated. The mechanics are slick and smart, the art gorgeous and fitting, and everything serves a distinct purpose. (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!