Crucible of Aether: A Mystic-Industrial TTRPG

A project in Philadelphia, PA by Living Metal Games

Status: Active

Explore a tumultuous world of magic, industry, and the eldritch — in a game where you forge your character through the skills you use!
Backers: 186
Average Daily Pledges: $538
Average Pledge Per Backer: $81

Funding: $15,076 of $5,200
Dates: Jan 14th -> Feb 13th (30 days)
Project By: Living Metal Games
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Latest News

The Home Stretch!

February 10th - via:
Hello folks! You helped us do more than we could ever imagine for Crucible of Aether! We’ve hit more than 180 backers and nearly 300% funding! You've already helped us with so much, including getting a printed copy of our introductory adventure,... (Read More)

You unlocked another stretch goal!

January 23rd - via:
Hey folks! You have helped us hit our second stretch goal! Now TTRPG designer and writer extraordinaire Jess Levine (I Have the High Ground & Going Rogue) will contribute a short story titled "Angels of the Industrial Age" to our Kickstarter. The... (Read More)

'Baghdad: The City of Peace,' 'Know Thyself,' & More

January 22nd - via:
This week’s Kickstarter Roundup takes us to a French Patisserie, a Mystical-Industrial world, and asks us to look deep within ourselves. (Read More)

Update: First Stretch Goal Unlocked!! And new add-ons!

January 16th - via:
Hello folks,  Thank you so much for your support! You have already met the threshold for our first stretch goal - printed versions of the “Incident on Illgriffe” adventure! You can add this book through the pledge manager. Our next goal, a short... (Read More)

Update: Shipping Down Under!

January 15th - via:
Hello all, Thanks to popular request, we are opening up shipping for our physical rewards to Australia! To access these, you should be able to order for each tier as you would normally. We are so thankful for the support you have all shown from... (Read More)


January 14th - via:
We have spent years working toward this moment. We first started talking about doing a Kickstarter two years ago, after Jackie and the team worked on the game for eight years. There were moments where we doubted ourselves, where we thought no one... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!