Race to the White House

A project in Brooklyn, NY by James Twiss

Funding Successful

A two-player board game of the presidential election. Fundraise, advertise, campaign, and debate your way to 270 electoral votes!
Backers: 123
Average Pledge Per Backer: $81

Funded: $10,016 of $3,000
Dates: Jul 7th -> Aug 6th (30 days)
Project By: James Twiss
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Last Updated: August 6 @ 05:30 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

A YUUUUGE push to the finish line! Plus--one more candidate card in the works?

August 5th - via: kickstarter.com
Friends! We are so close to the end of our campaign! In a mere 19 hours, the staff at Bipartisan Games will be running around our sleek, beanbag-stuffed office, high-fiving and drinking cool Brooklyn microbrews, while all of you will be telephoning... (Read More)

64 hours to go!

August 3rd - via: kickstarter.com
64 hours to go! That's where we stand, although it would also be a good title for a 70's-style coast-to-coast racing movie. Right now we are feeling great about our progress to date, and looking forward to funding on Saturday morning! We've... (Read More)

$10k stretch goal unlocked!

July 29th - via: kickstarter.com
Friends! We have some very exciting news--we have just broken through the $10,000 pledging level for Race to the White House, as a result of which we have unlocked our second stretch goal. What is it? Why, it's a new combo, of course, including some... (Read More)

Race to the White House--we're on a podcast! A real one!

July 27th - via: kickstarter.com
Exciting news! Race to the White House was featured this week on Your Table's On Fire, the largest podcast in the United States devoted to tabletop games that has featured Race to the White House thus far! Click on the link below to hear Jamie talk... (Read More)

Print and play--coming soon!

July 26th - via: kickstarter.com
Friends! Here's some exciting news. No, unfortunately it is NOT a candidate card for Hannibal Hamlin.* We are straightening out some technical details, and once they're complete, we will be offering a free print-and-play version of Race to the White... (Read More)

Action card of the day

July 20th - via: kickstarter.com
Friends! I have been super-busy with our Kickstarter campaign, so I haven't had the chance to read the newspapers or watch the news or check social media or stand outside for a few days. But I figured today was a good day to share with you one Action... (Read More)

Day 10 update--GOP convention news, approaching second stretch goal

July 16th - via: kickstarter.com
Friends! As many of you have heard, Donald Trump has been struggling to attract high-quality speakers to the Republican Convention, which starts on Monday. We here at Bipartisan Games figured that, as high-powered international game-design experts,... (Read More)

Good news--we are international-shipping friendly!

July 12th - via: kickstarter.com
Friends! I am really, really pleased to announce that we have sorted out this international shipping thing. While we are still working out the exact pricing, we've figured out a drop-ship approach that means international shipping costs will not be... (Read More)

Our page on Board Game Geek is up!

July 11th - via: kickstarter.com
You're probably sitting there, wondering if we have any exciting news about Race to the White House. I have some good news for you--we have exciting news about Race to the White House! Sama, who understands all of these "computer" things better than... (Read More)

Strong progress on Day 4; Donald Trump still holding out

July 10th - via: kickstarter.com
Friends! As we wrap up the first weekend of the campaign, I'm pleased to announce that we have almost doubled our funding goal for Race to the White House. This means that not only are we actually going to do this thing, we've hit our first stretch... (Read More)

First Stretch Goal unlocked!

July 8th - via: kickstarter.com
Pledges have crossed the $5K mark - consider your pawns upgraded! We met this goal at some point overnight, so thanks to our non-US backers for bringing our first day to a strong close. The next question is - can we reach the $10K mark?  You know... (Read More)

We've Funded! Thank You!

July 7th - via: kickstarter.com
Just 4 hours after launching our campaign, Race to the White House has funded!  Not only that, but we are already closing in on our first stretch goal - not bad for our first morning! Thanks again to all of you; your support means a lot.  We will... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!