Kingdoms of Erden: Hearts of Darkness Playing Cards.

A project in Oklahoma City, OK by Tim Olinger

Funding Successful

Kingdoms of Erden: Custom Painted deck of fantasy poker playing cards with a depiction of the Carnaros kingdoms Hearts of Darkness.
Backers: 43
Average Pledge Per Backer: $24

Funded: $1,029 of $1,000
Dates: Jan 1st -> Feb 2nd (32 days)
Project By: Tim Olinger
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Last Updated: February 2 @ 03:04 -0500 GMT


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Latest News

Goal reached! 100%! Woot! Thanks Backers!

February 1st - via:
Thank you all my loyal backers! You've made this campaign a success:) you guys are awesome! Some of you might be interested to see the model sword we made that was the inspiration for the Carnaros kings sword. Carnaros kings sword inspiration model  (Read More)

Choose your court cards poses for the extremely limited Hearts of Darkness Decks.

January 29th - via:
If you're ordering the Hearts of darkness decks, you will be able to choose the poses of your court cards. Either the defensive pose or the aggressive pose. Just pledge for the hearts of darkness deck and tell us which pose you want for each court... (Read More)

80% funded! six days to go!

January 26th - via:
We've made it to 80% of our goal. We only have 6 days left. I know we can reach it! Please share this campaign:) Lot's of fun stuff coming in the future. Here's something I put together for you loyal fans. Mini Micro Imelridh King  (Read More)

70% funded! Art for a future deck of playing cards

January 10th - via:
Thanks to all of our awesome backers, we've attained 70% of our funding goal. My gratitude has prompted me to give you all a peek at the art for the next deck that we are working on. Without further eloquence, I give you, "The Carnaros King!".... (Read More)

60% and Carnaros banner!

January 6th - via:
Thanks to all of our wonderful supporters, we've reached 60% of our primary goal. To show my gratitude, I'll show you the Carnaros Banner Close up. Maybe you can use it as your smart phone background. Or use it to make your own tapestry to hang above... (Read More)

Previous projects: Aggressive and Defensive Decks.

January 4th - via:
So as not to fill the main page with the art from the previous projects, the aggressive and defensive decks, which I assume you will want to see, but may be confusing as this campaign is primarily to fund the Hearts of Darkness deck, , I am moving... (Read More)

40% of goal!

January 3rd - via:
Thank you all for pledging! Please comment on this campaign and share on twitter and facebook as this helps us get noticed :) As a thank you for pledging and spreading the word ;) here's a low graphic version of my favorite characters in the kingdoms... (Read More)

36% on the first day!

January 2nd - via:
Thank you all for pledging, commenting on and sharing this project! You've gotten us to 36% on the first day! Hopefully the next day will be as good :) As my thanks, heres a high resolution close up look at the kings faces, Zombie vs Crusader?... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!