Kingdoms of Erden: Fantasy Playing Cards. next deck USPCC.

A project in Ardmore, OK by Tim Olinger

Funding Successful

Kingdoms of Erden: Limited Edition, Custom, Collectable, Fantasy Playing Cards. Defensive deck will be printed by USPCC at $10,000.
Backers: 73
Average Pledge Per Backer: $16

Funded: $1,191 of $1,000
Dates: Sep 18th -> Nov 17th (61 days)
Project By: Tim Olinger
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Last Updated: November 17 @ 11:45 -0500 GMT


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Latest News

preview of King of Diamonds from the future deck of playing cards.

November 13th - via:
Coming soon: Kingdoms of Erden: Fantasy Comic Playing Cards. Here is a preview of the future deck design featuring the comic book version of the characters. Imelridh King of Diamonds  (Read More)

Primary Goal Reached!

November 12th - via:
Woot! We did it! We reached our primary goal. That means that all of your orders will be filled. We have four days left. Lets see how much more we can get. Thank you all loyal backers.  (Read More)

1 week left. Time to fill those stockings!

November 2nd - via:
1 week left before the end of the campaign. Now would be a good time to get another couple decks and push this campaign over it's funding goal. They are a colorful, unique, inexpensive and practical gift for the upcoming holidays! Spread the word!... (Read More)

want a free artbook and a chance for a free deck?

October 25th - via:
Go to Facebook and Like, Comment and Share this original ad post from Kingdoms of Erden 's facebook page and share this kickstarter page to get a digital copy of the PDF art-book and to enter a drawing for a free deck of the Kingdoms of Erden fantasy... (Read More)

MPC printed Casino Quality Defensive Stance Decks Available to order.

September 25th - via:
MPC Casino Quality Linen Deck - Order as many of the MPC printed Defensive Stance decks as you want for only $15 each. Printed by MPC. USA FREE SHIPPING . International backers please add $9 per deck. (also available as an ADD ON)  (Read More)


September 25th - via:
Because USPCC isn't ready to offer print runs of 1000, and because it's unlikely that this Beautiful deck will reach $10,000 (because of it's unique nature), I would like seek your experts opinions. Should I stay focused on USPCC, shoot for a 1000... (Read More)

USPCC printing quantity minimum raised back up to 2500 decks.

September 24th - via:
That's right, The USPCC would love to offer print runs of 1000 but they aren't there yet. Their quotes were a bit hasty and they will have to postpone the availability of this service. This means that I can't use them unless we are printing at least... (Read More)

The last campaigns greatest hit is here!

September 21st - via:
The pledge level that got the most backers from the last campaign was this one.  I've added it to this campaign because it was the most popular pledge level from the previous campaign. Some of the details or wording are different, Enjoy.  (Read More)

Free 40 page PDF Artbook for everyone at $5000.

September 20th - via:
I will be adding The 40 pg. PDF Artbook to every order once we reach $5000! Since this has already been made and there is no shipping, I can send this out to your email in-boxes as soon as the campaign completes. "40 page PDF Art Book introduction to... (Read More)

USPCC printing for next deck lowered to $5000 goal mark.

September 19th - via:
USPCC now offers to print a lesser quantity of decks for a greater price per deck. This will allow us to start printing our deck using USPCC at $5000usd. However, the more we raise, the less expensive the printing will be. Thank you all for the great... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!