Ripple: The Most Advanced Solar Watch Strap for Pebble Time.

A project in Taipei City, Taiwan by GIXIA GROUP

Funding Unsuccessful

One Hour of Sunlight for 13 Hours of Battery Time. Not only is it gorgeous, but also comfortable and eco friendly.
Backers: 696
Average Pledge Per Backer: $82

Funded: $56,960 of $80,000
Dates: Oct 28th -> Dec 12th (46 days)
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Last Updated: December 12 @ 12:30 -0500 GMT


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Latest News

Working Prototype Video

December 8th - via:
Thank you for your patience! We’d like to show you our (rough) working prototype!  You'll need an HTML5 capable browser to see this content. Play Replay with sound Play with sound 00:00 00:00 Please note that the case was also made with PDMS for... (Read More)

We Finished the Relayout of PCBA!

November 30th - via:
We’ve finished the relayout of our printed circuit board assembly (PCBA) according to our product design. It’s the final dimension!   In order to better demonstrate, we used 3D printer to make partial bottom of the case (the white component in... (Read More)

Solar power is clean, renewable and cost effective, but it also needs time to develop.

November 24th - via:
We’d like to share one of our favorite quotes with you today! We received several backers asking us if Ripple is compatible with Pebble Time Steel. The answer is Yes. We will contact you for your selections after the campaign.  We're also gonna... (Read More)

An Extended-Length Design!

November 16th - via:
We heard your request and add extra length to Ripple for people who have bigger wrists!  The strap's length is now 68mm and 114mm. The wrist length for the closest hole is 170mm and the farthest hole is 220mm. New Length Please continue to share the... (Read More)

Woohoo! We’ve raised $50K!

November 4th - via:
Hello our 610 backers, We just passed the $50,000 mark on our Kickstarter campaign! That is 60% of our funding goal after one week! You guys ROCK! Over the past week, we’ve learned a great deal from you and we thank you for your feedback and... (Read More)

It's a Good Start for the First Two-Day!

October 30th - via:
Hello our first 380 backers,THANK YOU! We're so excited and cannot wait to bring Ripple to you! We're off to a great start and still got 43 days left to reach our goal! It would be awesome if you can introduce Ripple to your friends and family so... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!