Cthulhu's Vault
A project in Sigel, IL by Jolly Roger Games000days
Funding Successful
A card game that starts cooperative, but ends with one corrupt player, a Mythos monster, and a desperate battle to save the world.
Backers: 1528
Average Pledge Per Backer: $28
Funded: $42,923 of $8,000
Dates: Apr 15th -> May 15th (30 days)
Project By: Jolly Roger Games
Backers: 1528
Average Pledge Per Backer: $28
Funded: $42,923 of $8,000
Dates: Apr 15th -> May 15th (30 days)
Project By: Jolly Roger Games
current pledge level
Last Updated: May 15 @ 19:45 -0400 GMT
of goal

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Latest News
Into the final few hours...and info on sleeved card use
May 15th - via: kickstarter.com
Only a few hours to go and actually within shouting range of the Tarot-card sized goal. Yay. Thank you for that. But on the 'down side' of things--I'd mentioned taking into account card sleeves when we did the packaging, but as I was talking with... (Read More)
May 14th - via: kickstarter.com
Well, $35,000 blew past. The last 24 hours have been stunning. I'm psyched--and started thinking--holy cow...we better get cracking on some card ideas because with the added support, $40,000 is now a realistic possibility. Thank you. This... (Read More)
A potential extra KS stretch goal
May 13th - via: kickstarter.com
Ok--this will kill Jacob...and maybe Richard... BUT.... If we can get to $40,000 by the end of the campaign, before the game is released, we'll work on an extra set of 10 MORE cards (no idea what type because I'm flying by the seat of my pants... (Read More)
Almost to $30,000....(A Throwback from The Unspeakable Oath...)
May 12th - via: kickstarter.com
There's no real purpose to this update, other than I came across a copy of an old "Unspeakable Oath" post from about 1997. I've taken the liberty of converting it to "PG" from "R" How to be a Cultist 1.Pick one faith and stay with it.... (Read More)
A fourth completed Great Old One (nice disturbing art!)
May 10th - via: kickstarter.com
Y'golonac is not a Lovecraft creation. It wasn't actually even used in a story until 1969. It's actually a Great Old One invented by Ramsey Campbell, considered today as the greatest living English horror-story writer. He's a nasty god. He's... (Read More)
A couple more...and some info
May 9th - via: kickstarter.com
All right! More art from Jacob. Right now, I'm pretty confident the project will hit $25,000--I don't think I need to be Miss Cleo to make that prediction (if you don't know Miss Cleo, google her...nothing like a "Jamaican accent") Since KS... (Read More)
And still...more art...
May 9th - via: kickstarter.com
Jacob's getting bits/pieces to me. The difficulty with these images is that he's having to take photographs of them and work that way. But you can see there IS progress still going on!! Unknown Cultist Ancient Sacrificial Blade I like the... (Read More)
Down the homestretch we come...with a few bumps....
May 8th - via: kickstarter.com
I'd hoped to have samples a bit earlier, but Jacob's computer is kaputt. He's working on getting me more samples...just have to be creative about it (see below). And then in the middle that, my production coordinator's email has decided that my... (Read More)
Getting Yiggy with it...
May 5th - via: kickstarter.com
Jacob was able to get his computer up/running long enough to get an image to me...and then it crashed again. That sucks, but I'm glad I got the image... Yig is actually a minor Cthulhu figure, featured primarily in a story Lovecraft rewrote for... (Read More)
May 5th - via: kickstarter.com
A little Cthulhu play on words there. I'd hoped to have more art to put up today for Update #20, but got a short email from Jacob that the video on his computer went kaputt, so he's on hold with doing some of the art right now. That sucks for... (Read More)
Upcoming stretch goals...
May 1st - via: kickstarter.com
Well, I'm registered for my conference and instead of schmoozing and networking, what do I do? Come back up to my hotel room and do a Kickstarter update!! We're pretty close to two of the goals--and it'd be great to hit those soon. At $20k, the... (Read More)
More art
April 30th - via: kickstarter.com
Here's a little more art. These are images fro the project's other two artists, Mark Behm and Bill Bricker. It's bloated body revolted me. I ran and never looked back. She'd been told never to open the door marked "Authorized Personnel Only". She... (Read More)
A bit of help
April 30th - via: kickstarter.com
Since many of you are Boardgamgeek users, any chance of putting comments or giving thumbs over on the project there--or spreading the link?The location over there is: http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/145304/cthulhus-vault ...we are past $16,000... (Read More)
Oh, the things we think (and shouldn't think...)
April 29th - via: kickstarter.com
Jason thinks the Yig art will take until the end of the week. If he gets a minute, he'll send me a couple other images to post in the meantime. With the tarot discussion, I went toodling around Kickstarter...and... (Read More)
M O O N...that spells Cthulhu (a little Stephen King reference there...)
April 28th - via: kickstarter.com
More art today. This is the card art for "Moon". As I get the finished clips, I really love the contrasting colors--you get cool, dark blue of the Blessed Blade (update 14) in total contrast to the red/purple appearance of the moon here. You... (Read More)
Another bit of art...
April 28th - via: kickstarter.com
The Blessed Blade Found by Professor Merryweather in the Egyptian dig of 1925, the blade was originally though to pre-date the Egyptian pharaohs due to its stone handle and the short length of the blade. This finding did not last, though that,... (Read More)
Reading the future....
April 27th - via: kickstarter.com
I posted a new stretch goal for Tarot-sized cards on Friday. As a BALLPARK--we're probably looking at cards about 4" tall, and that the increased cost will be pretty high--but worth it. There will also be an added delay with it if we reach that... (Read More)
Stretch Goal changes
April 25th - via: kickstarter.com
I heard from a couple people--they didn't realize there'd been some changes to the stretch goals. Yup. There are three new ones--adding everything from new investigators (allowing more players to play) on up to (based on comments about the art)... (Read More)
The King in Yellow: Hastur la vista, baby
April 23rd - via: kickstarter.com
Hastur, The King in Yellow This is the latest finished piece by Jacob. ...arguably, better than Cthulhu rising.... (Read More)
Prototype Rules (no graphics)
April 23rd - via: kickstarter.com
This post is for backers only. Please visit Kickstarter.com and log in to read. (Read More)
This is the week that was....
April 22nd - via: kickstarter.com
The Easter/Passover holiday is done....I spent it with a stomach virus, which was a pity considering the effort my mother-in-law put into Easter dinner, not to mention the wonderful weather. This week, there probably won't be an extensive update--a... (Read More)
Stretch Goals
April 20th - via: kickstarter.com
Well, the project's funded, so on to the stretch goals. The first two are already within range ($3,000)--five more cards as well as custom dice. Just as important--even though I didn't plan on working over the weekend, I....worked on the weekend. I... (Read More)
The Last Post (novel, not of the KS campaign) --and the calendar
April 19th - via: kickstarter.com
I have been asked for some details on the two extras in several of the backer levels, specifically meaning the novel and the calendar. Ask and ye shall receive (sometimes):"The Last Post" is a book published by Necropolis Press, a small press... (Read More)
Yup, another update...(Stay away)
April 18th - via: kickstarter.com
While the campaign's going, I try and post a large number of updates--and when done, I'll keep posting so backers know the status of everything and where we are in the production process. That also means backers will get a chance to keep seeing... (Read More)
International Backers --Shipping information
April 18th - via: kickstarter.com
Greetings--if you're within the United States, you can pretty much stop here. This is information for international backers. 1 - I've been asked whether I can provide options for international shipping. Within the pledge levels, there are levels... (Read More)
Day Three...amusing story
April 17th - via: kickstarter.com
Well, call me optimistic, but it looks like the game will get funded which is, of course, completely awesome. But please--if you know others who like telling stories, like Lovecraft--please pass news of the campaign on to those people. We are (as... (Read More)
The madness behind the idea
April 16th - via: kickstarter.com
As my other 'day job', I'm a college volleyball coach, but before I did that, I was a high school and college teacher. At a small school, you get asked to teach a wide variety of subjects, so I wound up teaching everything from US History to... (Read More)
A little more art...
April 16th - via: kickstarter.com
Perfect timing it seems...and it really is coincidental. Jacob sent me a couple more art images. These will wind up being posted at CTHULHU'S VAULT also. In a little bit (since I have some time this morning...), there'll be a longer update as... (Read More)
ERRATA #1...
April 15th - via: kickstarter.com
You know, what would an unfinished project be without little glitches here and there, right?So--here are the catches so far.... NUMBER ONE: It says the games will be available in July. Not happening. Why it says July--I don't know. It's... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!