PRINCE-S STARthief cover collection VOL.1

A project in Beaverton, OR by Jason Martin

Funding Successful

A new special MAY THE (20)4TH offering - featuring a collection of ALL of the amazing cover art from the the series to date!
Backers: 182
Average Pledge Per Backer: $53

Funded: $9,710 of $444
Dates: May 24th -> Jun 14th (21 days)
Project By: Jason Martin
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Last Updated: June 14 @ 20:03 -0400 GMT


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Latest News


June 14th - via:
Just about 6 hours remain, and we're getting pretty close to our next Stretch Goal...Remember, if we're able to hit 10K, the corner box art trading card and acrylic pin will unlock! So please like, comment, and share to help us reach this next print... (Read More)

24 HOURS LEFT! / A closer look at all these covers!

June 13th - via:
Hey hey, we're coming up on the final 24 hours, and I wanted to highlight a couple more things before the Kickstarter ends (tomorrow at 5PM PST)... As you know, the cover collection will feature every cover from the series so far. From 5... (Read More)

ADD-ON Spotlight: NEW exclusive ISSUE 4 variant / adjusted Aleriia V

June 12th - via:
Hey all, we're in on our last couple days!!  And we had a couple sell outs for the Aleriia V variants (cover E and F), but that was due to having to split the total available quantity over multiple rewards (the Kickstarter functionality for limited... (Read More)


June 8th - via:
Happy to report that we passed our 7.5K funding goal yesterday and unlocked our 4th Stretch Goal! Now the cool die-cut sticker of the incredible Aleriia V STARthief artwork gets even cooler!What's even cooler again is that EVERY PHYSICAL BACKER GETS... (Read More)

NEW ITEM Spotlight: NEW limited DUST BUNNY Preview Book variant and more!

June 7th - via:
Hey all! we've almost unlocked STRETCH GOAL #4, so I've updated the stretch rewards on the main page, and revealed STRETCH GOAL #5! Take a look! (More on that once #4 is unlocked!) I also wanted to showcase a couple new items...The DUST BUNNY PREVIEW... (Read More)

REWARD Spotlight: SETS!

June 6th - via:
Hey all! continuing the spotlight on different add-on and reward items, today I wanted to showcase our 3 different sets... For those who want multiple covers, multiple items, or special perks, these can offer some value and uniqueness. Like getting... (Read More)

ADD-ON Spotlight: NEW exclusive ISSUE 4 variants

June 5th - via:
Hey all! continuing the spotlight on different add-on and reward items... ADD-ON SPOTLIGHT: ISSUE 4 homage VARIANT ($20), and ISSUE 4 SEXY homage VIRGIN ($30) Another popular add-on selection (any physical backer can add these items to their orders)... (Read More)

ADD-ON Spotlight: DUST BUNNY Preview Book

June 3rd - via:
Hey all! thought I'd spotlight different add-on and reward items each day this week, starting with... ADD-ON SPOTLIGHT: DUST BUNNY preview book $10 A popular add-on selection, any physical backer can add this item to their orders to get a glimpse of... (Read More)

Updates + NEW adjusted SETS!

May 31st - via:
Hey everyone, we're cruising towards the finish of our first week and things are going great for our little cover collecting Kickstarter!We're also closing in on our 4th STRETCH GOAL REWARD - the die-cut sticker upgrade)And have our first sell out -... (Read More)


May 28th - via:
Hey all, happy to report that earlier today we passed 5K funding and unlocked our 3rd Stretch Goal! I've also updated the full info for those, which you can see here: So every physical backer will now get two trading cards and a die-cut sticker. And... (Read More)

Thanks for the fast start! MORE TO COME!

May 26th - via:
Hey everyone, just a quick note to thank you all for helping us launch and hit out goal within minutes! You're the coolest riders in the wasteland (sorry, Furiosa brain)! I'm still finalizing the Kickstarter setup, so give the page a refresh once in... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!