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Meriwether: An American Epic meets Kickstarter funding goal

Meriwether successfully funded

Meriwether: An American Epic met its Kickstarter funding goal today, with the Kickstarter campaign closing with $44,489 raised from 1,433 backers.

The historic role-playing game based on the expedition of Lewis and Clark across America had a funding goal of $35,000. The campaign met this goal and went on to reach its $40,000 stretch goal, which adds Lewis's outfits and Girardoni's air rifle to the game.

The RPG follows the 28-month journey of Captain Meriwether Lewis and William Clark as they set across the U.S. under the orders of President Thomas Jefferson. The historically-accurate game requires players to find an all-water route across North America, map the country, establish peaceful relations with Native American nations, identify plants and animals unknown to Western science and make it back alive.

Meriwether: An American Epic is currently in developer for Windows PC, Mac and Linux. Developers Eric Zimmerman (NYU Game Lab) and Richard Lemarchand (formerly of Naughty Dog) have lent their support to the game.

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