Phalanx To Reprint Anhk Morpork As Nanty Narking In 2019

March 28, 2018 by brennon

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Reimplementing the mechanics and gameplay of Discworld: Anhk Morpork, Phalanx Games is going to be bringing it back to the tabletop as Nanty Narking, replacing the cards and such with characters and locations from Victoria London.

Nanthy Narking - Martin Wallace

The game will feature much of what was lovable about the original game but instead, change things up to give you the vibe of Victorian London. And, it comes with some stunning looking miniatures as board game components too.

Nanty Narking (Miniatures) - Martin Wallace

Anhk Morpork had you playing as mysterious and famous faces from the Discworld background, each plotting to take over control of the city and fulfil your secret objectives. The new game is going to do something similar with the concept but open up the array of different player goals to vary up the games that you sit down to play.

You'll find this going to Kickstarter sometime next year.

What do you think of the reskin and tweaking?

"The game will feature much of what was lovable about the original game but instead, change things up to give you the vibe of Victorian London..."

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