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Divinity: Original Sin 2 crushes it on Kickstarter, earning more than $660K in a day

Divinity: Original Sin 2 backers propelled the game past its $500,000 Kickstarter goal less than a day after it launched.

As of this writing, with 33 days remaining in the campaign, more than 16,000 Divinity: Original Sin 2 backers have pledged more than $660,000, combined.

Developer Larian Studios launched the Kickstarter campaign this week not to fund the game, but to expand on what it could build by self-funding.

"The game is funded because of the original's success," Larian Studios CEO Swen Vincke told Polygon. "We can already do a lot of things. But we'd like to expand from here. We'd like to create more origin stories. Each origin story means basically hiring an extra writer because of how far they go in affecting the game. We also want to expand the skills and spell systems. An extra race would be cool."

This isn't the first time Larian has found success in crowdfunding. In March 2013, the developer launched a Kickstarter project for Divinity: Original Sin, which collected 236 percent of its $400,000 goal, covering several stretch goals. After some delays, the old-school, isometric role-playing game arrived June 20, 2014 on Windows PC, where it earned critical praise. It's also available for Mac and in development for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

You can read more about Divinity: Original Sin 2 in Polygon's interview and preview. Press play below to see it in action.

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