Level Up Your Tabletop Game with This Fancy Gaming Table

Wyrmwood, a small, Massachusetts-based furniture company aiming “to bring your tabletop experience to the next level,” has launched a Kickstarter for a new series of gaming tables. The gaming tables are “freakin’ modular,” and allow people to add accessories like cupholders and cordless phone-charging trays. Plus, the tables apparently make it really easy to eat and game, which is a combination for the ages.

Polygon reported on Wyrmwood’s new Kickstarter campaign, which ends on October 9. The small furniture company has created numerous Kickstarter campaigns previously, with 11 fulfilled and two more on schedule. As of this writing Wyrmwood has well surpassed its $1,000,000 funding goal, with roughly $8.5 million pledged. (This campaign is already in the top five of all time.)

This freakin' modular gaming table offers endless options and accessories.


As far as the gaming tables themselves, they are indeed freakin’ modular. The tables range in size from a Lilliput coffee table to an eight-foot-long large gaming table, and they all work as both regular tables and gaming ones thanks to insertable slats. Buyers are also able to choose from different felt colors and wood types, and can even customize leg height.

In terms of accessories, there is nothing Wyrmwood hasn’t thought of. The list of additional accessories include, as just a taste: card shelfs, player desks, a battle mat overlay, dice holders, and even insertable video screens.

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The tables’ prices vary just as widely as their options, with the cheapest coffee table costing $300, and the most expensive units—with all the bells and whistles—costing north of $10,000. Wyrmwood does say that the tables can “grow with you,” however; meaning that owners will be able to purchase conversion kits that increase the size of their table.

Polygon says that deliveries already span out until the end of 2022. Although this is perhaps a miraculous timeline considering Wyrmwood was nearly decimated this year due to pandemic-related issues. The company is now back to full staff, however, and will hopefully, eventually, help everyone bring in-person gaming back.

Featured Image: Wyrmwood

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