
A project in London, UK by PHALANX

Funding Successful

A fast-paced deck-building tabletop game of modern space exploration for 1-4 players. A new masterpiece from Martin Wallace.
Backers: 3773
Average Pledge Per Backer: £47

Funded: £177,805 of £40,000
Dates: Jan 27th -> Feb 5th (10 days)
Project By: PHALANX
board gamespacesingle-player2-player +Suggest

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Last Updated: February 5 @ 17:01 -0500 GMT


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Latest News

Italian Edition!

February 5th - via:
Hello Rocketeers, We are happy to announce that Pendragon Game Studio will publish the Italian edition of Rocketmen. Congratulations, dear Italian backers! You will be able  to choose your language edition in the Pledge Manager, that will be... (Read More)


February 4th - via:
Hello Everyone, Your support has a great impact! With more than 400 (!) interactions you have added the third metal coin to our Kickstarter exclusive set! This one, representing the Blue Planet, will be used as the First Player marker in 2-4 player... (Read More)

The final booster (why back now?)

February 3rd - via:
Hello Everyone, Today this campaign will enter the final 48 hours period. It means that all potencial backers, who are following this campaign, will receive a reminder, inviting them to the campaign page for the final decision. This could work like a... (Read More)


January 31st - via:
Hello Rocketeers, In the first campaign update we have published a Designer's Diary article written by Martin Wallace. And now we can give you a follow up, as we have asked Martin a few additional questions.  Martin Wallace playing Rocketmen at... (Read More)

Polyvinyl Chloride

January 30th - via:
Hello Rocketeers, Polyvinyl chloride is one of the world's most widely produced synthetic plastics. Invented in late XIX century, went to massive industrial usage in early XX c. We use it now to manufacture almost everything: from window frames and... (Read More)


January 29th - via:
Hello Rocketeers, This is a common process, when innovations from military or space sectors are ultimately used on a massive scale in the civil sector. Invented in 1930 in pursuit of synthetic rubber, polychloroprene is used in a wide variety of... (Read More)

User Manuals

January 28th - via:
Hello Rocketeers, It is obvious that every space vehicle, being a very sophisticated machine, has its user manual. You should read this, before the flight, shouldn’t you? Here is an example of Saturn V rocket’s Flight Manual you can find on the... (Read More)


January 27th - via:
Hello Rocketeers, Thank you very much for such a successful launch! That is something that every game designer and publisher dreams about. It seems that the game’s theme is close to your hearts - good to know, as it is the same on our part. We are... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!