RASA - Sweet Sacred Melodies from the Mystics of India

A project in Carlsbad, CA by Vineetha

Funding Successful

An album of exquisite divine music to comfort and soothe your spirit. Help us to preserve these beautiful sacred compositions.
Backers: 143
Average Pledge Per Backer: $83

Funded: $11,869 of $108
Dates: Sep 6th -> Oct 6th (30 days)
Project By: Vineetha
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Last Updated: October 6 @ 01:10 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

So excited to share a super exciting development!

September 22nd - via: kickstarter.com
I am over the moon excited to share that Rushil - an incredible composer and musician from the UK  will be collaborating on Rasa!  Rushil is the founder of the Orchestral Qawwali Project - a musical trio (with Abi Sampa and Amrit Dhuffer) that is... (Read More)

Yahoo News has covered our sweet album

September 17th - via: kickstarter.com
It is such a blessing for our humble project to be featured on a major search engine's news channel. Yahoo has featured Rasa the album, this is visible worldwide. Please share with your friends and loved ones. We still have a long way to go and we... (Read More)

Rasa has been featured in the NEWS!

September 16th - via: kickstarter.com
So excited, humbled, grateful and happy that this divine albumRasa has been featured on Fox 5 San Diego today! I did not even ask for this publicity, it just came to us out of the blue! A beloved member at the yoga studio was in class when I talked... (Read More)

Wow some exciting news!

September 15th - via: kickstarter.com
Fox News San Diego will be covering the album and Kickstarter campaign on their digital news channel this coming Saturday 16th! So please keep an eye out for the article. I will post the link in an update once it is live. Thank you all from my heart... (Read More)

Incredible start!

September 12th - via: kickstarter.com
Thank you all so much. We have come so far in so little time. I am so touched by everyone's support! I cannot even begin to describe how grateful I am for your love. Our mixing engineer has started work on the first song of Rasa. It is sounding so... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!