Trilobyte Games Are Raising Funds on Kickstarter for ‘The 7th Guest 3: The Collector’


Whether or not you were actually alive during the short-lived era of video infused point-and-click adventure games, utilizing early CD-Rom technology, you’ve probably heard of the most famous example: MYST. If you weren’t alive at all back during 1993 – or at the very least were far too young to be tackling something of a macabre nature – then you probably haven’t heard of MYST’s horror themed cousin: The 7th Guest. In it players ventured into the haunted mansion of the world famous toymaker – Henry Stauf – in order to discover why six people disappeared there long ago, and also why all the children who owned his wondrous creations eventually became deathly ill.

b59d546ee48d6420084908755d0f29cf_largePlayers explored the mansion by clicking through a series of pre-rendered stills, tackling devious puzzles created by the master toymaker himself, and witnessing full motion videos of the spirits inhabiting the house. The game was so well received that in 1995 a sequel was released, The 11th Hour, which took people even deeper into the mysteries surrounding the mansion, and the maniacal man who built it. However – when all was said and done – many questions were left unanswered, and a great deal of time has passed since someone last plumbed the depths of the Stauf estate for more knowledge.

However, things are about to get far more dangerous in the town of Harley-on-the-Hudson as some rich person has renovated the accursed place with new furnishings and trappings. You decide to visit this highly touted historic landmark only to discover – upon getting a ways in – that the hallways aren’t lining up the same as when you first entered, leaving you trapped inside. Now you have no choice but to explore the mansion – solving 20 puzzles in the process – and discover a way to properly reconfigure the house such that an escape route exists once more, maybe even learning the ultimate truths behind Henry Stauf once and for all.

0fec3c7157aae523f2963134a2443ea5_largeWhile Trilobyte Games is poised to finally bring closure to the trilogy of horror set upon the world by the enigmatic toymaker, now replete with real-time 3D elements, they won’t be able to properly realize The 7th Guest 3: The Collector without your help. To this end they have started up a Kickstarter which – should their target goal of $435,000 be reached – aims to have game released sometime late 2015, on both PCs and mobile devices. Those who contribute generously will earn Henry Stauf’s undying gratitude, and thus be forever remembered in manners such as: names appearing on book spines, busts in hallways, faces appearing on paintings, becoming key victims in the all new lore, and much more.

Those who are anxious to set foot once more into the toymaker’s abode should keep in mind that the Kickstarter is set to run until December 8th, with roughly $400k in needed funds yet to be pledged.