Sleuth of a Seuthe: An Investigative Review on Games

As a long time avid game player, and lover, I come before you to tell you my complete honest and forward opinion on games. I will bring out the things I like in the game. Point out the things I dislike. And consider who this game would be best targeted at. All of this while also assigning a completely random biased number on a scale of 1-8. Why 8? Because I can!
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Independent Game Review of "Movie Mashups"

Eric Bryan Seuthe II
United States
Woodland Hills
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Board Game Designer
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I am a movie-holic. For instance my fiance refuses to play "What's that Phrase" with me, in the category of movies. She thinks my time working as a Blockbuster employee has made me a) to sarcastic, and b) too educated in the titles of movies.

When I saw this game, I knew I wanted to get my mitts on it, so I could tell you all about it. Before we enter the review, I'll tell you this, it does not disappoint.

Play is simple, break into teams of usually 4. Two teams is good, but the more teams you can get, the better. One player from the other, or prior team, picks a card and reads the synopsis for the movie mash-up, and any additional card rules.

Movie Mash-Ups consist of two movies joined by a word. the word can be slightly edited, and "the or and" might be removed for the flow of the statement.

The original guessing team has one minute to confer between themselves. After the minute they must make a final guess.

For every movie title they get right out of the whole mash-up, they get one point. If they get both of the two mash-ups, they get two points plus a bonus point.

If they do not complete the mash-up, the other teams (minus the reader) get to make one guess for additional titles or the mash-up.

The person with the most points gets the card for the later card match bonus. If there is a tie, it is broken by the person who was asked the question.

At the end of the 20 minute set time limit, or 30 point limit, all groups are allowed to finish their last turns.

Then five points are given to people who can take their earned cards and make up the most movies with the same actor, and the most movies from a series, and the most movies from a genre.

Group with the highest score wins.


For one, I love the fact that "Gamers: Dorkness Rising" is listed as one of the mash-up(ed) movies.

The combinations are fun, and pretty interesting. Some are harder then others, but like any game similar to this, that's the luck of the draw.


I think some of the movies are missing specific items. For instance Of Her Majesty's Secret Service is listed in a mash-up as Her Majesty's Service. I know the "of" is not pivotal and therefore not needed, but the secret is a whole word.

Lastly, I completely disagree with Jesus is Magic being considered a "Movie". I'm sure someone else will argue it too. Movie fanatics are also movie snobs...


People who love movies, people who want a light hearted trivia game on the subject of movies. People who love mash-up word puzzles, and anyone with a large group of players.


$5 a print and play of the rules.
$10 forty randomly selected movie mash-up cards, and a print and play of the rules.
$20 for a physical copy of the game.


Lets be honest, no one here is picking up the $5 dollar print of the rules. You could pick up the $10 dollar print and play of the game, but that only gets you forty cards. You are gonna want more then just forty cards, second play through. For just ten dollars more, $20, you get a physical copy of the game. No printing, cutting, or getting a small run of the cards.

The $20 dollar physical copy, including shipping to your door, is well worth the price.


I think you could create a additional play version of the game, that pits the game player against player, instead of team versus team. Give everyone a guess from the player on the left of the reader, all the way around. If no one gets any of the movies in the mash-up, the reader gets a point.

Just an idea, your game doesn't need to change the dynamic, but a smaller play option might help when you don't have a large crowd.

Check out their Kickstarter here:
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Subscribe sub options Fri Oct 4, 2013 6:00 am
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