Sleuth of a Seuthe: An Investigative Review on Games

As a long time avid game player, and lover, I come before you to tell you my complete honest and forward opinion on games. I will bring out the things I like in the game. Point out the things I dislike. And consider who this game would be best targeted at. All of this while also assigning a completely random biased number on a scale of 1-8. Why 8? Because I can!
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Independent Game Review of "Alchemist Academy"

Eric Bryan Seuthe II
United States
Woodland Hills
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Board Game Designer
Board Game Publisher
Microbadge: Blogger
When I saw Alchemist Academy originally, I thought it wasn't my cup of tea. I'm not really into the whole Wizard thing. My fiance really likes the whole magic genre, but my love of wizards starts and ends with Merlin.

However, I wanted to help get some word about this game because it's over half it's funding amount, and I think if enough people know about it, it could easily surpass the funding requirements.

Game-play is simple. People are dealt 5 component cards, and three spells. On their turn they can draw a spell, or two component cards.

Then they can cast one spell, if they have the components. The spell can be cast on themselves or on others. If a spell is cast on another player, the player who it was cast on can cast counter spells to defuse or deflect the attack. As long as the attack connects to a person (meaning not defused) the player who cast the spell (and possibly a person who cast a deflection) gains points on their report card.

Players can have no more then three spells in their hand, and must discard down to three spells, and a total of eight cards in their hand total. If a player has cast their last spell, on their next turn they have no choice but to draw a spell.

The game is over when one player has accumulated 30 points.


One of my favorite things in this game is the knowledge of how many of one item was in the game. We were playing the lite version, so there will be in theory more cards in the full version, but knowing that people wanted Dragon Scales, and I was holding four of them, for no reason. Well it tickled my funny bone.

I also like the components of the game. The fact that the rare "Dragon's Scales" was kept in a wood box made me chuckle. The art is pretty good in this game, and the spells functions, and abilities really helped pull you into the game.


At first I disliked how many components most spells needed. It made me feel like I wasn't going to be able to cast any spells because once I get rid of the components needed for one spell, I get some of the component I needed for the other spell. While it didn't last long, as people left and right started to cast spells, it still in the beginning felt hard to adjust to. (I'd like to point out though, I was the person who won the game. Not just for bragging, but to show that even with that early handicap I was able to pull out to the win.)

I also feel that maybe 30 is a bit low, considering that some spells can give you 6 or 7 points.


It's designed for Harry Potter, wizard wanna-be fans. However, you don't have to be. The art is good, the game play is simple, and it's quick to master. Children or adult, if you are a gamer, you'll probably get a good handle on it.


$12 or $35 ($10-$13 shipping outside of USA)

You can pay $12 to get the digital copy of the game. It's worth the price for the game. However if you are like me, and love physical copies of games, not that print & play games $35 dollars is not to much of a reach for a card game, especially of this caliber.


To be honest this game looks daunting, but it's simple, fluid and fun. Worth the price point in my opinion. Especially for the last five people from Australia who can jump on the early bird $30 shipping included.

Don't let the "GAME SALUTE SUPPORTED" scare you away, this is still an independent game. Game Salute is just helping with making sure you get your product, at the earliest time that it is possible.

Americans get free shipping. Five more Australians can get free shipping (and five bucks off). I highly recommend that people get on this game now. Not only does it support independent design, it's well worth the play through.


I couldn't do a full review of the game, due to the lack of the Summoner cards. However even though it missed that element, I honestly believe I got a full view of the game dynamics.

I only think that maybe the game could use stacked value component cards, to make spell making a bit easier.

Find their kickstarter here:
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