Cozy Survivalbox Solarpunk Concludes Its Kickstarter Campaign With $332,000 In Funding

solarpunk cozy survival game key art

It’s getting cozier and cozier in the MMO world as another Kickstarted cozy multiplayer survival game called Solarpunk enters the scene. The game’s Kickstarter campaign ended yesterday, raking in just over €305,000 (roughly $332,000) during its month-long run, a massive leap from its initial funding goal of €30,000.

The game received support from over 6,000 backers who managed to unlock all but the final stretch goal. Unlocked stretch goals include additional housing decorations, a character editor, more plant types, a recycling system, and an expanded building system.

“Your support has been instrumental in propelling us forward, and we’re truly humbled by the overwhelming response we received,” said its two-man development team Cyberwave Games.

It’s worth noting that Solarpunk is already Cyberwave’s second Kickstarted game. It’s flagship game, Hourglass, launched on Steam back in 2021 to positive reviews but only managed to peak at 84 concurrent players.

Hopefully, the studio’s new game will fare better, considering that thousands of players sunk their money into it. The team is also looking to release the game on consoles and is currently looking for a porting studio to partner with.

Alpha testing for Solarpunk is expected to begin in the first quarter of 2024, followed by an early access launch sometime in the third quarter of the same year, and full release in late 2024. In the meantime, you can check out the official reveal trailer below. Oh, and there won’t be any combat in the game whatsoever, do with that as you will.

Solarpunk - Reveal Trailer