Oklahoma comic "Bobcat" issue #3 seeks funding

Matthew Price

Oklahoma native James Hostler is seeking Kickstarter funding for the third issue of his comic book series "The Bobcat," of which he is the writer and Jim Mehsling is the artist.

"The Bobcat began serious production after a series of comic con visits and meeting my childhood comic hero Neal Adams, which reignited the fire within me to write and create," Hostler said in a previous interview with The Oklahoman.

Mehsling has provided sketch cards for "Star Wars," "The Walking Dead" and others. His "Star Wars" fan films have been featured on www.StarWars.com, one of which won Best Animated Feature from Lucasfilm in 2011.

The Bobcat is a Native American super hero operating in 1898 Indian Territory.

Hostler's Native American heritage played a role in his developing an interest in the Old West era.

"My Cherokee heritage comes from my father's side of the family," Hostler said in a previous Oklahoman interview. "As long as I can remember, I have been fascinated with the stories and exploits of family members as told to me by my father and others. Although I was not raised in the Cherokee culture, I have seen its influence in my family and always felt a sense of wonder and pride to have a biological link to these great people."

You can see more about the project and become a backer via Kickstarter