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    Does this mouse trap with Wi-Fi need to exist?

    Does this mouse trap with Wi-Fi need to exist?


    No, no it doesn’t

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    Look, everything doesn’t need Wi-Fi. The prime example of this is a Wireless Mouse Trap Monitor that a company called Wakefield Technologies is trying to raise money for on Kickstarter.

    Here’s the premise: you have a mouse trap, but you don’t want to get up and check it. That’s it. You buy this trap monitor, and become even more sedentary. It’s a yellow box that looks like a cheese Lego, it lasts three months on a charge, and there’s an app that’s supposed to notify you when the trap is tripped.

    You don’t need this. Back away

    Does this need to exist? No. Will the mouse get distracted by the motion detector — which looks like cheese for some reason — and miss the trap altogether? Probably.

    There doesn’t need to be an app or a connected version of every device in our lives, but if your mouse problems are forcing you to stand up too much, you can back this device on Kickstarter. But beware that crowdfunded projects can and do fail often, so there’s no guarantee that you’ll be living mouse-free if you do back this.